The Real Impact of the Great Depression Hard Times The Real Impact of the Great Depression
The Great Depression: Big Picture The Stock Market and resulting bank failures had a catastrophic effect on the American economy 1 out of four Americans had no work No government sponsored welfare or relief Many lost their savings to support themselves in hard times Effects were worse in some areas than others Toledo, Ohio had 80% unemployment Meadville was not as bad off at this time Many others had wages cut Not all people suffered the same Prosperity amid plenty
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Different Places: Different Problems Rural America Problems Foreclosures- Weak markets- slaughtering animals and dumping milk while people starved Isolated from charitable sources of towns The Dust Bowl- 1934-1939… more later Advantages Had food Banded together and supported neighbors- blocking foreclosure auctions
Different Places: Different Problems Urban America Problems Large numbers of desperate people share suffering and scramble for survival- particularly in hard- hit regions No food, hunting and farming not available Advantages Charitable resources available- settlement houses, churches etc Cheap popular culture diversions- Movies, baseball (This would not be much help to the most desperate people
Family Strain Many families could not survive the strain of the Depression Thousands of young men “ride the rails” looking for work Marriage and birth rates decline-diminished expectations Pessimism Guilt for men who could not support their family Most learned how to adjust to new conditions, others committed suicide Hoovervilles- Squatters camps
Popular Culture: Highlights of the Depression Baseball very big- Night baseball begins Segregated leagues Negro Leagues in most northeastern cities Movies “Talkies”- A golden age for movies Monopoly!... Let’s pretend we have money? Radio Radio theatre News Music