a design technique for achieving fish passage


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Presentation transcript:

a design technique for achieving fish passage Stream Simulation: a design technique for achieving fish passage Annual Joint Stewardship Meeting January 18th, 2017 Yachats, OR Justin Anderson hydrologist/ geomorphologist Siuslaw National Forest

2016 Stewardship Project Proposals Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources 2016 Stewardship Project Proposals 11 culvert replacements

Stream simulation: what is it? Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Stream simulation: what is it? Design Technique for Fish passage Culvert replacement Culvert removal Other organisms too Stream restoration Resources Simulate the natural characteristics of a stream (bed and banks) Key concept: “geomorphic continuity”

Stream simulation: what is it? Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Stream simulation: what is it? Interdisciplinary design process Engineer Fisheries biologist Hydrologist/ geomorphologist

Stream simulation, why use it? Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Stream simulation, why use it? Effectiveness Fish passage Flood resilience Resources

Stream simulation, why use it? Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Stream simulation, why use it? Policy Design standards ESA consultation NOAA NMFS ARBO Permitting USACE Resources

Stream Simulation Design Phase 1 Initial Assessment Phase 2 Site Assessment Phase 3 Stream Simulation Design Phase 4 Final Design & Contract Preparation Phase 5 Construction Phase 6 Maintenance & Monitoring Stream simulation project phases

Design process (abbreviated): Site assessment (geomorphic) Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Design process (abbreviated): Site assessment (geomorphic) Design reach Reference reach Long profile Cross section Widths Pebble counts

Site assessment Design element: Design reach velocity depth drop Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Site assessment velocity depth drop Design element: Design reach Longitudinal profile off-set, a recurring design challenge

Design element: Longitudinal profile Existing Gradient? Design reach Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Design reach Design element: Longitudinal profile Existing Gradient? sediment pool Outlet Transition Inlet Transition Structure

Design element: Reference Reach Reference reach Constructed Reach Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design element: Reference reach Gradient is key determinant in selection Reference Reach Constructed Reach Resources Informs: Width Depth Bed-forms Bed materials “Geomorphic continuity”

Design element: Longitudinal profile (Design) Bed-forms Spacing Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design element: Longitudinal profile (Design) Bed-forms Spacing Resources Informed by the reference reach

Design element: Cross section Width!!! Depth Shape Low flow Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design element: Cross section Width!!! Depth Shape Low flow Resources Informed by the reference reach

Design element: Good match! Stream bed materials Gravels Cobbles Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Design element: Stream bed materials Gravels Cobbles Boulders Fines! Informed by the reference reach Good match!

Too coarse! Design element: Stream bed materials Gravels, cobbles Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design element: Examples Stream bed materials Gravels, cobbles Boulders Fines! Too coarse!

Design element: Geotechnical Depth to bedrock Bedrock topography Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Design element: Geotechnical Depth to bedrock Bedrock topography Geology Informs structure type

Design element Time to build something yet? ….Almost Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Time to build something yet? ….Almost Design element Photo: D. McKinley Sediment transport Stability Mobility Scour Informs embedment depth

Design element: Crossing structure c. Pipe Arch d. Bottomless Arch Design elements Design process Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design element: Crossing structure c. Pipe Arch d. Bottomless Arch e. Round b. Box a. Bridge Resources

Design product: Construction plans Profile Bed-forms Spacing Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design process Design elements Resources Design product: Construction plans Profile Bed-forms Spacing Cross sections Bed materials Crossing structure

Resources Design manual Available on-line Comprehensive Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design elements Design process Resources Resources Design manual Available on-line Comprehensive www.stream.fs.fed.us/fishxing/aop_pdfs.html

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Stream Simulation definition and rationale Design elements Design process Resources US Forest Service Justin Anderson 541-750-7056 Project bios/ hydros Tech review team Stewardship board Resources Expertise Engineers Fisheries biologists Hydrologists/ geomorphologists Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Engineering Firms Timing Design phase Construction phase Other? Gaps?

Conclusions Stream simulation Stewardship discussion Effective tool Standard practice for USFS Consultation demands it Requires design expertise Stewardship discussion Lots of culverts May need additional support Review process can improve