Customary Units of Measurement Standard: Convert between customary units of measurement.
There are 12 inches in a foot. Inches to Feet There are 12 inches in a foot. Inches ÷ 12 = Feet
There are 12 inches in a foot. Feet to Inches There are 12 inches in a foot. Feet x 12 = Inches
Miles to Feet There are 5,280 feet in a mile. Miles x 5,280 = Feet
There are 60 seconds in a minute. Seconds to Minutes There are 60 seconds in a minute. Seconds ÷ 60 = Minutes
There are 60 seconds in a minute. Minutes to Seconds There are 60 seconds in a minute. Minutes x 60 = Seconds
Hours to Days There are 24 hours in a day. Hours ÷ 24 = Days
Days to Hours There are 24 hours in a day. Days x 24 = Hours
Days to Years There are 365 days in a year. Days ÷ 365 = Years
Years to Days There are 365 days in a year. Years x 365 = Days
There are 36 inches in a Yard. Inches to Yards There are 36 inches in a Yard. Inches ÷ 36 = Yards
There are 36 inches in a Yard. Yards to Inches There are 36 inches in a Yard. Yards x 36 = Inches
Yards to Feet There are 3 feet in a Yard. Yards x 3 = Feet
Feet to Yards There are 3 feet in a Yard. Feet ÷ 3 = Yards
There are 2,000 pounds in a Ton. Tons to Pounds There are 2,000 pounds in a Ton. Tons x 2000 = Pounds
There are 2,000 pounds in a Ton. Pounds to Tons There are 2,000 pounds in a Ton. Pounds ÷ 2000 = Tons
There are 16 ounces in a Pound. Ounces to Pounds There are 16 ounces in a Pound. Ounces ÷ 16 = Pounds 32 oz ÷ 16 = 2 lbs.
There are 16 ounces in a Pound. Pounds to Ounces There are 16 ounces in a Pound. Pounds x 16 = Ounces 4 lbs x 16 = 64 oz
There are 8 ounces in a Cup. Ounces to Cups There are 8 ounces in a Cup. Ounces ÷ 8 = Cups
There are 8 ounces in a Cup. Cups to Ounces There are 8 ounces in a Cup. Cups x 8 = Ounces
Cups to Pints There are 2 Cups in a Pint. Cups ÷ 2 = Pints
Pints to Cups There are 2 Cups in a Pint. Cups x 2 = Pints
There are 2 Pints in a Quart. Pints to Quarts There are 2 Pints in a Quart. Pints ÷ 2 = Quarts
There are 2 Pints in a Quart. Quarts to Pints There are 2 Pints in a Quart. Quarts x 2 = Pints
There are 4 Quarts in a Gallon. Quarts to Gallons There are 4 Quarts in a Gallon. Quarts ÷ 4 = Gallons
There are 4 Quarts in a Gallon. Gallons to Quarts There are 4 Quarts in a Gallon. Gallons x 4 = Quarts