video clip Causes & Results Global Warming
More heat is trapped in the atmosphere. causes Human activities smoke from factories industrial waste gas smoke from motor vehicles car exhaust Cutting down trees deforestation More heat is trapped in the atmosphere. CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2
results goes up The temperature________. Glaciers________. melt rises The sea level_______. flooded Cities/countries/lands are________. Species are _______ (in danger) of disappearance. at risk
What can we do about global warming?
Concerns and puzzles of the student The answers offered by Earth Care Individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems. People should advocate improvements on the way we use energy. Where to start. Together, individuals can make a difference. Six suggestions. Start with things we do everyday.
Earth Care’s suggestions Turn off the electrical appliance when we are not using it. Put on more clothes instead of turning on the heat if you are cold. Walk or ride a bike, don’t drive motor vehicles. Recycle cans, bottles… and buy things made from recycled materials if circumstances allow you to. Get your parents buy things that are economical with energy. Plant trees as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh your spirit. Be a educator, and talk with family and friends about global warming.
Earth Care’s suggestions revising… Turn the electrical appliance off when we are not using it. Put on more clothes instead of turning on the heat if you are cold. Walk or ride a bike, don’t drive motor vehicles. Recycle cans, bottles…… and buy things made from recycled materials if circumstances allow you to. Get your parents buy things that are economical with energy. Plant trees as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh your spirit when you look at them. Be an educator, talk with family and friends about global warming and tell them what you have learned. not in use. Walk or ride a bike rather than use motor vehicles. your daily stuff possible. to and share your knowledge of global warming with others.
Earth Care’s suggestions Fight global warming Earth Care’s suggestions Revised edition Cut down on energy. Cut down on carbon dioxide. Turn the electrical appliance off when not in use. Put on more clothes instead of turning on the heat . Walk or ride a bike rather than use motor vehicles. Recycle your daily stuff and buy things made from recycled materials if possible. Buy things that are economical with energy. Plant trees to absorb carbon dioxide and refresh your spirit. Be an educator, and share your knowledge of global warming with others. Your contribution counts!
Remember---your contribution counts. = be important/valuable It’s not what you do but how you do it that counts. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Fifty people attended the wedding ceremony counting children. = tell the number of = including
leave an electrical appliance on on behalf of have a commitment have the power to do sth. make a difference put up with leave an electrical appliance on so/as long as be casual about 1. 代表某人 2. 有…义务 3. 有能力做某事 4. 有影响 5. 容忍 6. 让电器设备开着 7. 只要 8. 对…疏忽
13. your contribution counts 9. 等等 10. 汽车, 机动车 11. 可回收材料 12. 让你振作精神 13. 你的贡献很有价值 9. and so on 10. motor vehicles 11. recycled materials 12. refresh your spirit 13. your contribution counts