Micah Sunday 10.10.10 And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6: 8 Feel free to edit or amend this powerpoint according to your needs. Prayer resources, films and petition sheets can all be downloaded from our website www.tearfund.ie/resources or ordered from our office 01-8783200
'Speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute' Proverbs 31:8 Each year, more than 8 million people around the world die because they are simply too poor to survive. More than 160 million families go hungry each day. More than 100 million primary school-age children cannot go school. The injustice of our world is shocking.
MDG Goal 1 Eradicate extreme hunger by 2015 Success is possible. In Malawi, farmers have been trained, seeds and fertiliser provided, enabling them to grow more of their own crops, and cut Malawi’s dependence on food aid. Three years in, it’s been a success, showing consistently higher crop yields and lower rates of hunger in these communities. But the Ireland needs to keep its promise.
Planting hope In Cambodia, drought has hit yet again. The pond has run dry, the church hasn’t. The video can be downloaded from our website www.tearfund.ie or a DVD copy can be ordered from Christine at our office 01-8783200.
Pray with us This prayer follows the themes and structure of the prayer of Nehemiah (Ch 1:5-11) who fasted and prayed day and night when he learned of the suffering of people in Israel. He then embarked on the task of leading work to restore Jerusalem. O Lord, our great and awesome God, loyal to your promise of love and faithful to all who honour and obey you, hear our prayer. We pray for those who live in poverty, we cry out for those who are denied justice and we weep for all who are suffering. We confess that we have not always obeyed you. We have neglected your commands and have ignored your call for justice. We have been guided by self-interest and lived in spiritual poverty. Forgive us. We remember your promises to fill the hungry with good things, to redeem the land by your mighty hand and to restore peace. Father God, help us always to proclaim your justice and mercy with humility, so that, by the power of your Spirit, we can rid the world of the sin of extreme poverty. As part of your global church, we stand with millions who praise and worship you. May our words and deeds declare your perfect goodness, love and righteousness to both the powerful and the powerless so that your Kingdom may come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen
Ask the Irish government to keep its promise Sign our petition to the Taoiseach Get involved by visiting www.tearfund.ie/advocacy
Find out more at: www.tearfund.ie/advocacy www.actnow2015.ie