Please check, just in case…
Announcements Presentations begin next Thursday. Papers due Thursday, regardless of presentation order. Don’t forget to get started on the strategies jigsaw. Resources for jigsaw???? Make an appointment to meet with me with any questions you have about upcoming assignments or class topics/concepts.
APA Tip of the Day: Quotes, citations, and punctuation The citation that has the page number must go directly before or after the quote. Citations go outside of the quotations marks. The citation is part of the sentence; when you put it at the end of the sentence, put the final period after the citation.
APA Examples According to Delpit (1995, p. 68), “all students deserve the right both to develop the linguistic skills they bring to the classroom and to add others to their respective repertoires.” “All students deserve the right both to develop the linguistic skills they bring to the classroom and to add others to their respective repertoires” (Delpit, 1995, p. 68). Delpit (1995) stated that “all students deserve the right both to develop the linguistic skills they bring to the classroom and to add others to their respective repertoires” (p. 68).
Quick questions or quandaries?
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy July 6, 2017 Today’s Readings: Banks (2009), Suina & Smolkin (1994), and McLeskey et al (2013)
K-W-L Chart (10 minutes) Individually, complete the first two columns of your K-W-L chart (handout on website) on multicultural education. Use additional sheets as necessary and use your course resources as desired.
Multicultural Education? Please take notes on KWL chart or elsewhere.
5 minutes – complete K-W-L chart
OneWord Video: Christopher Columbus
Write-Pair-Share WRITE (Three minutes – individual) Write down your thoughts about this video. What does this have to say about teaching CLD students? PAIR (Three minutes): Share your reactions and ideas with a neighbor. SHARE (10 minutes): Whole group discussion and reflection.
Quick Write: What is your stance on multicultural and/or culturally responsive education? Does it/will it have a place in your practice? How? For what purposes?
Culturally responsive teaching “Practices that support successful educational outcomes for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds” NCCRESt, 2006-2008) Redesigning “learning environments to address the educational needs of their [teachers’] increasingly diverse students” (King, Artiles, Kozleski, 2009, p. 4)
Culturally responsive teaching: Communication of high expectations Active teaching methods Teacher as facilitator Inclusion of CLD students Cultural sensitivity Reshaping the curriculum Student-controlled classroom discourse Small group instruction and academically- related discourse Ladsen-Billings, 1995
Mind Map on Culturally Responsive Teaching Identify one central idea from today’s class. Put that in the middle of your map, using one word, a short phrase, or a visual. Identify the related ideas that come off of that main idea. Create additional branches as desired. Use big paper or not.
Looking ahead… Read: No assigned readings Topic: Presentations of ALS instructional models
Please take a minute for the minute paper. And don’t forget to turn your phone back on.