Liaising With Clients By Tuo
Introduction When liaising with clients, it is important to make sure that you and your client agree on what the solution will be. This reading will show you how to confirm client requirements, document additional requirements and obtain approval before implementing a solution. As it is crucial that the staffs that will use the solution are trained in its operation and maintenance, we also will consider the importance of recommending appropriate training and support, negotiating a training and support timetable and providing user documentation.
Confirming client’s requests Confirming the client’s requirements involves developing documentation to ensure you and the client has the same understanding of requirements. Letters or memorandums for instance, may be written to confirm understanding of the client’s requirements. The most important characteristic of any of these documents is to accurately record two key items: 1 the service which is to be provided to the client 2 the timeframe in which it must be delivered to the client.
Documenting additional requirements As we explore and understand the client’s needs, we may discover other requirements which have been overlooked. For example, it might become apparent that additional power outlets will be needed for the recommended system. It is important that any altered or additional requirements that might be discovered are documented. Written documentation is much better than verbal.
Obtaining approval Obtaining approval might occur in a number of ways. It might be a verbal approval to go ahead with work based on the confirmation document. One way of obtaining approval is to have the client provide a written purchase order for the work. Any approval document that is produced should include agreement on things such as 1. the price of the goods or services to be provided 2. the timelines for the project
Recommending appropriate training and support It is vitally important that you recommend appropriate levels of training and support. You are the expert. You know the systems. You have to make the solution work in the workplace. You should advise the client about the level of training and support that will be needed. The client not choose to proceed with your recommendations based on cost or current staff expertise. However, if that occurs and problems with the system develop later, you are then in a strong position to deal with issues as they arise.
Negotiating a training and support Timetable You need to be very flexible when arranging times for support with the client. Think of the types of training and support outlined above and what they involve. For example, consider what could happen if you have to stop access to a client’s database system to update the software, or to back up the system. It could create chaos!
Providing user documentation User documentation includes: 1. web-based support via files to be viewed or transferred from websites 2. hard copy versions of the files on websites 3. electronic training programs which many people in an organisation can use 4. hard copy training programs to be provided to all users for future reference