Top Risks and Prototypes Team 7 NICE E-Commerce Top Risks and Prototypes Antonis Papantoniou, Larry Stratton, Dhananjay Nakrani, Weijiang Dang, Runxuan Wei, King Lun Au, Deb Baker
Top Risk/Prototype Presentation Team 7 – NICE E-Commerce Market for Natural Healthcare small businesses E-Commerce Website for Multi-Vendor Listings Vendors can include Blog posts and Video Blogs Consumers can provide vendor ratings and feedback Provide Discussion Forums for consumers and vendors to collaborate Include secure payment, shipping, and international sales
Current Risks Rank Risk Description What causes the risk? Risk Mitigation 1 COTS and other independently evolving systems Different functionality that needs to be integrated Confirm client requirements to match w/ tool 2 Architecture complexity, quality tradeoffs Multiple tools required that may not interact fully Explore tool capabilities; match developer with right tool 3 Customer-developer-user team cohesion New member added late, some members still getting up to speed Designate tasks, divide and conquer, break tasks into reasonable parts 4 Budget and schedule constraints Project has expansive scope Reducing scope with clients 5 Lack of domain knowledge Some members are new to CS / come from different domains / have no web programming experience USC library developer material for mentoring and learning web development frameworks, break tasks down into smaller tasks that can be led by more competent developers
Top Risks and Prototypes Rank Risk Description Prototype Why? 1 COTS and other independently evolving systems xcart E-Commerce platform Prototype xcart will provide a framework for required functionality which will save developing it manually 2 Architecture complexity, quality tradeoffs xcart and WordPress Integration Prototype xcart needs to integrate with WordPress to deliver the core functionality needed