Digestive System Functions (The Alimentary Canal)
Joke of the Day:
Alimentary Canal: The passage (including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines) that food passes through the body from mouth to anus
Types of Digestion Mechanical (M): Chewing, churning of food in stomache Chemical (C): Enzymes – From the Mouth to the Small Intestine
Mouth (M,C) First Site of Digestion! (M) chewing (C) Salivary Amylase breaks down starch
Pharynx(M) Initiates swallowing
Esophagus (M) Transports food from mouth to stomach through “Peristalsis” Peristaltic Waves: Waves of muscular contractions that propel contents from one point to another
Stomach(M,C) (process food then transport) (M) churning to create a “Bolus” Bolus: Creamy paste that forms as the food in th stomach is repeatedly mixed with gastric juices (C) HCl, pepsin kill bacteria and break down proteins
Duodenum(C) 1ST 10 inches of small intestine. Bile secreted here.
Jejunum(M,C) Next 8 feet of small intestine. Food absorption, enzyme action.
Ileum (M,C) “Terminal” portion of the small intestine Absorption of food, enzyme action
Ascending colon(M) Part 1 of the Large Intestine. Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte absorption
Transverse colon(M) Part 2 of the Large Intestine Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte absorption
Descending colon(M) Part 3 of the Large Intestine Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte absorption
Sigmoid colon(M) Water and Electrolyte absorption
Rectum(M) Storage of feces
Anal canal(M) Sphincter for “waste management”
Warning – Prolapsed rectum ahead!
Prolapsed rectum
Laproscopic Nissen Fundoplication http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U8oz9xCamE