Video Conferencing Phone Conferencing 2.2 – Working practices
Video Conferencing A video conference is the electronic version of a meeting, usually held in a conference room. The essential equipment is: Standard pc Monitor Speakers Network Connection, broadband internet connection & router Webcam Microphone Video conferencing software
Setting up a video conference Need computer, headset/microphone, (speakers), video/web cam Everyone logs onto internet Run video conferencing software Everyone can see and hear everyone else Examine documents using software
Phone Conferencing Phone Conferencing is a similar concept but only using phone line where several people can have a collective conversation using a landline or Internet phone
Setting up a Phone Conference Everyone agrees a time The conference is booked At the agreed time everyone dials a common number Enters a PIN to join conference Everyone can hear but not see everyone else Need a touchtone phone Phones may be connected to a bridge
Video Conferencing Advantages Save on travel costs as can stay in one location Easier to plan and arrange a meeting Save on time as do not need to travel to set meeting place Disadvantages Expensive to purchase and maintain equipment Loss of social contact/ break down in communication as people are not physically in the room Time delays in seeing/ hearing other people who take caprt in the meeting