Daily Starter 4/18/16 Define mutation. Think of a famous mutant, describe them. Is the mutation beneficial or harmful?
Explore: You are baking a cake for your best friends birthday. What happens if you read the directions incorrectly and forget to add an ingredient? What if you add them in the wrong order? you read the directions in correctly and forget to add an ingredient???
Explain: Notes A mutation is any change in the DNA that results in different traits DNA is made of four bases: A and T C and G
Chromosomes and DNA
Do you see the mutation? Mutation= Change in the organism’s DNA
We can think of this as the DNA directions being jumbled up. Explain: Notes Two Types: Gene Mutation- change in the DNA bases We can think of this as the DNA directions being jumbled up. Original Direction: Open the dog food and pour it into the bowl. Open the dog and pour it into the bowl. Open the dog foot and pour it into the bowl Open the dog food and pour it into
Explain: Notes Substitution: base is changed Insertion: base is added Open the dog foot and pour it into the bowl. ATCG TCGC Insertion: base is added Open the dog food cactus and pour it into the bowl. ATCG TAGCT Deletion: base removed Open the dog and pour it into the bowl. ATCG TGC Frame Shift: starts/stops copying in wrong place Food and pour it into the bowl open the dog. ATCG AG
Explain: Notes Two Types: Gene Mutation- change in the DNA bases Chromosome Mutation- number of chromosomes changed. Deleted or added (23 21 or 24)
What type of mutation? Gene or chromosome? Insertion, deletion, or substitution?
What type of mutation? Gene or chromosome? Insertion, deletion, or substitution?
Ex: Sickle Cell Anemia
Ex: Sickle Cell Anemia Sickle Cell RBC Normal RBC Caused by single amino acid change in hemoglobin Sickle Cell RBC Normal RBC
What type of mutation? Gene or chromosome? Insertion, deletion, or substitution?
Ex: Cancer Cancer occurs when mutations cause cells to grow in an uncontrolled way
Famous Mutants
Not all mutations are harmful!
The cat ate the rat
Other Mutations
Hairy ears
Patau Syndrome
Cri du chat Syndrome (deletion)
Fragile X chromosome
GOOD or BAD? Beneficial: Help an animal survive Extra chromosome in plants makes them stronger and live longer Harmful: Hurt an organism White alligators can not blend in with surround and they are unable to hunt or hide from predators.