What happened to Al Qaeda?


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Presentation transcript:

What happened to Al Qaeda?

Learning Intentions To be able to analyse some key events in the development of global society, To describe how the development of Al Qaeda has had an impact on the world

Activity 1 Read through the sheets on the history of Al Qaeda, and answer the questions. Be prepared to share your answers

Using powerpoint on Student Out Activity 2 Using powerpoint on Student Out Modern Studies>S2 Terrorism> Al Qaeda Isis Take notes on the development of Al Qaeda and ISIS Find out facts about leaders and other organisations which are linked to Al Qaeda How did ISIS begin? How do they attack? Where do they get money from? What is being done to try and stop them?

Why was Bin Laden less able to control Al Qaeda after 9/11? After 9/11, Al Qaeda had scored a great success against the USA – however this meant that the USA went to war in Afghanistan to try and destroy the Al Qaeda training camps. Osama Bin Laden – who was unwell with kidney disease, had to go into hiding. This meant that his ability to control the organisation was heavily restricted – he had to be very careful about sending out messages. In the meantime, some of his followers were getting restless Why was Bin Laden less able to control Al Qaeda after 9/11?

When the USA and Britain decided to go to war in Iraq in 2003, one of the most brutal Al Qaeda warriors, Abu-Musab Al Zarqawi, saw this as an opportunity to gain some more power in the Al Qaeda movement. He led a group of Al Qaeda fighters into Iraq in order to fight American soldiers, however, he also started killing many Shia Muslims, and any Sunni Muslims who he didn’t consider to be “true believers” How did Abu-Musab Al Zarqawi get more power within the Al Qaeda movement?

Why did Al Qaeda in Iraq become very unpopular? A wave of violence spread through Iraq, the like of which had never been seen before. Thousands of suicide attacks against innocent civilians in market places. Sunni Muslims fought Shia Muslims in a civil war. Al Qaeda in Iraq started to kill Western journalists, beheading them live on Internet channels Osama Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri both demanded that Zarqawi stop his attacks against Muslims, they wanted him to attack only the British and American soldiers– but he refused. Al Qaeda became very unpopular amongst ordinary Muslim people in the Middle East Why did Al Qaeda in Iraq become very unpopular?

Why did America think they had beaten AQI? How were they proved wrong? Abu-Musab Al- Zarqawi was killed in an American airstrike in 2008, and Al Qaeda in Iraq changed its name to the “Islamic State”. The organisation went quiet for a few years and the Americans thought they had beaten them. However, when the Syrian conflict broke out in 2011, the Islamic State emerged again very quickly – it was clear that they had been lying in wait and planning for their next big offensive. They crossed the border into Syria and began attacking cities and oil mines across Syria and Iraq – they were now known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Why did America think they had beaten AQI? How were they proved wrong?

In what ways are ISIS different from Al Qaeda? They were no longer part of Al Qaeda – they set up in opposition to Al Qaeda, and have tried to recruit young men from all around the world to go and fight. The type of attacks they carry out have been even more brutal and shocking In what ways are ISIS different from Al Qaeda?

How are Al Qaeda winning back popularity in Syria? Al Qaeda was less powerful for a number of years, and had been overshadowed by ISIS, however, many Muslims have been shocked at the brutal treatment of Muslims in areas controlled by ISIS. Al Qaeda have managed to win back some support. In Syria, Al Qaeda are known as the Al- Nusra Front, they have become popular in areas that they have taken control of – they are making sure that everyone has food, water and electricity – they are winning the battle for “hearts and minds”. How are Al Qaeda winning back popularity in Syria?

Why are the UK and the US now backing Al Qaeda in Syria? A deal was struck in September 2016 between the USA and Russia to try to bring an end to the Syrian conflict. As part of that deal, the West are helping to support the “moderate” forces in Syria to fight against ISIS. The Al-Nusra Front (i.e. Al Qaeda) has managed to present itself as a “moderate” force, and has been given backing by the US and Britain However, Russia have gone back on the deal by continuing to bomb civilian targets in Syria – killing many UN workers as well as Syrian civilians. This has caused a mass protest at the UN against Russia Why are the UK and the US now backing Al Qaeda in Syria?

Activity Using all of your notes, prepare a report on Al Qaeda and ISIS Your report should include sections on What is the purpose of terrorism? The background of Al Qaeda Attacks that they have carried out What happened to Osama Bin Laden? The groups who are linked to Al Qaeda The development of ISIS What Al Qaeda is doing now? Assess the impact that Al Qaeda has had on the world You have two lessons in class to complete this – then it is homework. It must be handed in on …

How to write a report Your report should be at least 500 words You must include: A title page (do this bit last) A contents page An introduction Different chapters with headings (use your questions to help with this) A conclusion Pictures/maps would make it even better