CHAPTER FIVE STRENGTHS-BASED INTERVENTION The Practice of Generalist Social Work (3rd ed.)
Key Ideas The strengths perspective offers a focused, committed effort for identifying, expanding, and sustaining the resilience and assets that client systems bring to their interface with the world. The strength-based approach views supporting the client as central to the worker’s action. © 2014 Routledge
Intervention Skills Acting in context Capitalizing on strengths Focus on client Use strategies (e.g., questions) intended to externalize the client from being the problem to having a relationship with the problem Direct attention toward maintaining the client’s motivation and focus on solutions and change Support diversity Support clients’ environments © 2014 Routledge
Strengths-Based Perspective and Intervention Two principles of the strengths-based approach as they apply to intervention The social worker acts in context The social worker works with the client system to move toward normalizing and capitalizing on one’s strengths © 2014 Routledge
Central Ideas Behind the Strengths Perspective Many people are able to function relatively well in spite of the difficulties they face and the resources they can’t or don’t access. People are resilient and possess skills, ideas, and determination that need to be considered when developing interventions. Change happens when social workers collaborate with clients’ aspirations, perceptions, and strengths. © 2014 Routledge
Focus of Strengths-Based Intervention Clients are experts on their situations and the solutions to problems. Interventions should “begin where clients are”. Utilize clients’ assessed strengths in the intervention. Recognize and work with individual and environmental barriers that might hinder interventions. © 2014 Routledge
Focus of Strengths-Based Intervention Social workers can assess several different areas that help to guide interventions Environmental resources and strengths (both naturally and non-naturally occurring resources) Environmental deficits or obstacles Personal resources and strengths Personal deficits or obstacles © 2014 Routledge
Focus of Strengths-Based Intervention Environmental resources and strengths (both naturally and non-naturally occurring resources) Examples Assessment Intervention Strong family ties and relationships Enlist help of parents to provide transportation for client to job interviews Access to community resources Client agrees to enroll in job training workshops at local community center Strong community ties and networks Client agrees to call friends, previous co-workers, and church contacts to ask about job leads © 2014 Routledge
Focus of Strengths-Based Intervention Environmental deficits or obstacles Examples Assessment Intervention High unemployment rates in client’s town Examine labor needs and viable workforce opportunities in area and discuss training options for client Discriminatory workplace hiring and termination practices Investigate policies and consult legal council about rights and options Geographic isolation Explore transportation and alternative living options that allow client greater access to employment opportunities © 2014 Routledge
Focus of Strengths-Based Intervention Personal resources and strengths Examples Assessment Intervention Strong problem-solving skills Foster client’s use of skills to identify current employment issues and develop plan to overcome obstacles; explore successful strategies client has used in the past to solve problems Strong motivation to find employment Tap into client’s motivation to problem solve and take necessary steps to find work Good communication skills Identify ways communication skills can be used in job interviews and exploratory phone calls © 2014 Routledge
Focus of Strengths-Based Intervention Personal deficits or obstacles Examples Assessment Intervention Disability that hinders mobility Investigate resources and technology that can improve mobility (e.g., new technology in wheelchairs, local transportation services) Client feels overwhelmed and discouraged easily Identify small, do-able steps that are easily accomplished and that will work up to larger goals Client suffers from feelings of depression Client agrees to get a full physical check-up and consult with a local psychologist to explore options such as medication or therapy © 2014 Routledge