Children’s Book Critique Mayra Lopez Ivy Tech Community College
InTASC Standard #3: Learning Environments The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation. Name of Artifact: Children’s Book Critique Date: February 25, 2015 Course: Education 255 Brief Description: For this assignment I found three fictional multicultural children’s picture books and critiqued them as far as how they show multiculturalism. Rationale: This assignment links up with InTASC Standard 3, Learning Environments, because the different books I selected denmonstrate multiculturalism in different environments.
Kno Bahdee Author: Jeffrey C. Herman Publisher: Story Jumper Inc. Copyright date: 2004 Summary: This is a book about a family who migrated to America in search of better opportunities. The main character who is a little girl had trouble getting used to the new country where she was living at and had trouble making new friends/ Positive factors: The book talked about a family migrating to America in search of a better life, this perfectly shows the story of many immigrant families who decide to move to America in order to offer a better life for children. Negative factors: Vocabulary might be too complex for children to understand. Stereotype of cultures. Female Characters: 6 Male Characters: 3 Multiculturalism: This book perfectly explains the situation of many children who migrate to America and have a hard time getting used to the new culture and traditions.
White Socks Only Author: Evelyn Coleman Copyright date: 1996 Publisher: Open Road Media Summary: This book is about an African American girl who lived in the segregation era and wasn’t allowed to drink water from a water fountain that was only for white people. She misinterprets the "whites only" sign by the drinking fountain to mean step up on the platform with your shoes off and white socks only. Positive Factors: At the end of the story everyone stood up for black people’s rights and. Negative Factors: Makes white people look like bad people. Female Characters: 3 Male Characters: 2 Multiculturalism: This shows the struggle many African Americans had to face before they could have rights. In todays society people still receive this type of treatment.
My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother Author: Patricia Polacco Publisher: Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books Copyright Date: 1998 Summary: This story is about a brother and a sister who are in constant competition. One day the little girl wishes upon a star to be better than her brother at something. She later finds out that her wish came true in a different way she had thought. Positive factors: This story gives a moral about family union. Bad factors: The story provides stereotypes about red headed people and about how boys can do things better than girls. Female characters: 3 Male Characters: 2 Multiculturalism: This books shows how in society it is said that man can do things better than woman and there is always a competition between genders.