Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Year 6 Parents Information Evening
Purpose of this meeting Parental questions An opportunity to meet a member of the Transition Team An explanation of the Care and Guidance at Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Some general information about Key Dates and Tutor Groups To reassure parents about the transition
Key staff for you to remember Mr Croxford Head Teacher Mrs Ellis Deputy Head Teacher
Key staff for you to remember Mrs McMullin Assistant Head Teacher for Personalised Learning Mrs Salmon Assistant Head Teacher for Achievement & Guidance
Key staff for you to remember Mrs Heaphy Head of Year 7
Key staff for you to remember Mrs Hillier Lead TA for Exam & Access Arrangements Mrs Marriott Lead TA for Communication & Interaction Miss Bailey Lead TA for Sensory & Physical and Social, Emotional & Mental Health Mrs Reid-Hutchings Lead TA for Cognition & Learning
Key staff for you to remember Mrs Pocock Admissions and Transitions Mrs Hunt Transition and Transport
Parent Support Advisor Key staff for you to remember Mrs Dawes School Counsellor Mrs Stuart Parent Support Advisor
Uniform Logoed School Uniform can be purchased from our uniform supplier Price & Buckland – There will be occasions closer to the Induction Day for parents to size uniform (dates will be in Information Packs & on the Website) We have a summer and winter uniform, however parents of Year 6 will need to purchase the winter one for return from the summer holidays
Uniform Trousers: Black, suitable style and material. Exaggerated fashion styles and materials such as denim and cord are not acceptable Skirt: Black, suitable style length and material. Exaggerated fashion styles and materials such as denim and cord are not acceptable Jumpers: Black logoed V-neck pullovers with sleeves. Sweatshirts and cardigans are not permitted Shirt: White, style must have a collar designed for a tie. (No 3 quarter length sleeves) Tie: can be purchased from school or school stockist and must be clip on. Socks: Boys Dark, Single colour tone only Socks/Tights: Girls White or black, ankle or knee-length socks or black or flesh coloured tights Summer Wear: Burgundy polo shirts bearing the School emblem may be worn during the summer term only (after Easter holidays) Footwear: Black shoes, a plain and sensible style. Trainers, plimsolls, canvas daps and boots are not acceptable. Boots may be worn to and from school in exceptionally bad weather but must not be worn at school
Uniform – PE Kit This is what you should have: Additional non-compulsory items: Black school crested polo shirt Plain black or white base layer in the winter months Black school crested shorts For boys – school crested hoodie For boys - School long sleeves sports top For girls – school long sleeved sports top For girls – School crested hoodie School crested tracksuit jacket White topped black football socks and white sports socks Plain black tracksuit bottoms (alternatives to the above will not be acceptable) Sports type trainers (two pairs if possible for inside & outside use) Football boots
Transport Wiltshire Council Transport Service Arrange free or assisted transport on certain routes for those who meet the eligibility criteria Need to apply direct to Wiltshire Council after Easter For information contact the Education Entitlement Team: 0300 4560100 or RWBA Subsidised Transport Service Subsidised transport covering additional routes, dependent upon demand Need to apply as soon as place at RWBA confirmed For information contact Mrs K Hunt: 01793 841900/841948 or
Parents Survival Guide Will be available at the Year 6 Parents Evening in June Contains general advice about everything from homework to reporting systems, how to use the Student Planner and how to follow a Timetable Attempts to be informal and friendly Always updated after consultation with previous Year 6/7 parents
Key dates to remember Personalised Learning Team (supporting students with SEN and disabilities) – with Mrs Marriott, Lead TA for Communication and Interaction Thursday 11th May 2017 Start time 8.30 am - 4.00 pm Please phone Mrs Pocock 01793 841954 to arrange an appointment Year 6 Parents Information Evening Monday 12th June 2017 Start time 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm Induction Day Thursday 29th & Friday 30th June 2017 Start time 8.40 am - 3.00 pm CAT testing will be part of a variety of activities scheduled over the two days Parent Tours available on Thursday (9.10am & 2.00pm). Please contact Mrs Pocock to make an appointment First Day of Term for Year 7 Year 7 only – Monday 4th September 2017 Whole School – Tuesday 5th September 2017
What happens next? September 2016 - February 2017 – Ongoing liaison between Primary Schools and RWBA on children who are vulnerable or have Special Educational Needs. Visits from the Transition Team and Mrs S McMullin February/March 2017 – Initial introduction to Year 7 Team March 2017 – RWBA and Parents receive admissions paperwork from Wiltshire LA. Acceptance slips to be returned to their local Council March – April 2017 – Year 7 Team and Personalised Learning Team meet with students to answer any worries and concerns and also Year 6 teachers for a detailed overview on each student
What happens next? April/May 2017 – Mrs Salmon begins to create Tutor Groups based on information from Year 6 Teachers, Primary Schools and potential Parent input April – July 2017 – Potential individual Inductions for vulnerable/SEN students May/June 2017 - Parents receive full data pack from RWBA with Tutor Groups, languages, uniform supplier, music tuition, data forms etc… June 2017 - Parents Information Evening and Induction Days for Year 6
Tutor Groups Students are placed into Tutor Groups by Mrs Salmon using Primary School information and liaising with Mrs McMullin and the Transition Team The information used from Year 6 Teachers and Primary Schools include factors such as ability range, SEN, G&T, relationships with peers and members of staff, who to place with, who not to place with Five Bassett Houses – Bassett, Berwick, Compton, Winterbourne & Wootton Specific languages and Personal requests can be submitted, the deadline is 31st March 2017 – no consideration will be given after this date Parents can place requests but these are not guaranteed. Further consultation or discussion can take place via letter, phone or e-mail
And Finally........ Thank you for your time Any questions? Contact us… Telephone: 01793 841900 E-mail: Website: Keep up to date via the School Website