YMS Orientation Welcome Mr. Shepard Symphonic Band A teachable environment where we are pleased with our performance, yet never ceasing to excel. 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Yulee Middle School Music Mission Statement To strive for excellence in recognizing and releasing the musical interests and abilities in each child as an individual, enabling them to enter adulthood grooving to their own beat. 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Q&A 1. What if my child signed up for band and no longer wants to participate in band? Please let Mr. Shepard know immediately. 2. What if my child wants to participate in band? 3. What if we were unable to attend the instrument rental night? Please call Music Time today. 904-696-9882 CONTINUED ON NEXT SLIDE 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Q&A page 2 4. What if my child already has an instrument? Please call Music Time today to order your child’s band book, and instrument accessories. 904-696-9882 5. What if my child does not know what instrument they want to play? Please see Mr. Shepard immediately. 6. What are the best ways to contact Mr. Shepard? Cell Phone – 904-646-7577 Email – ymsbanddirector@gmail.com Remind.com 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Communication is Key for the Success of the YMS Band ymsband.com ymsbanddirector@gmail.com remind.com 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Remind Tell people to text @kbhe7b to the number 81010 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Grading Standards Grading Standards will be sent home 25% Class Participation 25% Weekly Playing Test 25% Weekly Practice Report 25% Performances 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Grading Standards 25% Class Participation Students need to bring their instrument, band book, and music daily 25% Weekly Playing Test Students will play the song everyday for 2 weeks before the test 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Grading Standards 25% Weekly Practice Report 3 Hours per week 100 1 Hour per week 80 Each Thursday parents must sign their child’s practice report. Students hand in the practice report each Friday for full credit. They may hand it in on Monday for 5 points off. After that the students will receive a zero. 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Grading Standards 25% Performances 3 Performances Monday, November 6th - 7 PM in the YMS cafeteria Monday, December 18th - 7 PM in the YMS cafeteria Monday, May 21st - 7 PM in the YMS cafeteria 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Discipline Plan PBS – Positive Behavior System Posted above PBS – Positive Behavior System Posted above The YMS Band discipline plan will be sent home for you to go over with your child. Parent and student must sign and return the discipline plan 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Forms Your child will bring home the following band forms. Welcome Letter Medical Authorization Grading Standards Off Campus Activity Discipline Plan YMS Band Handbook on ymsband.com – read with your child Print and sign the YMS Band Handbook Parent Signature page 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Concert Band Uniform FOR CONCERTS Girls – Concert Evening Dress $60.00 purchase from yms band Parent purchase flats and nude hose Boys – White tux shirt - $25.00 from yms band Black tux pants - $35.00 from yms band Parent purchase black dress shoes and black claf length dress socks 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Optional Band Gear Hornet Band tee shirts $10.00 Hornet Band hoodies $25.00 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Band Parent Volunteer Form Please complete the Band Parent Volunteer Form if you would like to volunteer for any of the events listed on ymsband.com or if you would like to be a chaperone for the YMS band end of the year trip Please send me an email or text through Remind if you want to volunteer for a particular job found on the ymsband.com 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Fair Share $50.00 per band student Used to fund the band program – music, music stands, music supplies, etc. A YMS Band Car Wash provided for your child to raise the $50.00 by selling 10 car wash tickets at $5.00 per ticket (Saturday, September 16th) Parents can choose to pay the $50.00 out of pocket – Cash or check made payable to YMS 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
YMS End of the Band Trip Saturday, April 28th Valdosta Band Competition Wild Adventures $150.00 per student – fundraisers provided found at ymsband.com $150.00 covers the competition fee, charter bus, and admission into Wild Adventures OTHER OPTIONS 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda
Typical Day in Band Bring your instrument and band book to the band room as soon as you arrive at YMS. During band class students will complete daily written work and perform on their instruments. Retrieve your instrument from the band room after 6th period each day before leaving YMS. 7/30/2018 Daily Agenda