Gene-Environment Interaction & Correlation


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Presentation transcript:

Gene-Environment Interaction & Correlation Danielle Dick & Tim York VCU workshop, Fall 2010

Gene-Environment Interaction Genetic control of sensitivity to the environment Environmental control of gene expression Bottom line: nature of genetic effects differs among environments

Standard Univariate Model P = A + C + E Var(P) = a2+c2+e2 1.0 (MZ) / .5 (DZ) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 A1 C1 E1 A2 C2 E2 c c a a e e P1 P2

Contributions of Genetic, Shared Environment, Genotype x Environment Interaction Effects to Twin/Sib Resemblance Shared Environment Additive Genetic Effects Genotype x Shared Environment Interaction MZ Pairs 1 1 x 1 = 1 DZ Pairs/Full Sibs ½ 1 x ½ = ½

Contributions of Genetic, Shared Environment, Genotype x Shared Environment Interaction Effects to Twin/Sib Resemblance Shared Environment Additive Genetic Effects Genotype x Shared Environment Interaction MZ Pairs 1 1 x 1 = 1 DZ Pairs/Full Sibs ½ 1 x ½ = ½ In other words—if gene-(shared) environment interaction is not explicitly modeled, it will be subsumed into the A term in the classic twin model.

Contributions of Genetic, Unshared Environment, Genotype x Unshared Environment Interaction Effects to Twin/Sib Resemblance Unshared (Unique) Environment Additive Genetic Effects Genotype x Unshared Environment Interaction MZ Pairs 1 0 x 1 = 0 DZ Pairs/Full Sibs ½ 0 x ½ = 0 If gene-(unshared) environment interaction is not explicitly modeled, it will be subsumed into the E term in the classic twin model.

Ways to Model Gene-Environment Interaction in Twin Data Multiple Group Models (parallel to testing for sex effects using multiple groups)

Sex Effects Females Males

Sex Effects Females Males aF = aM ? cF = cM ? eF = eM ?

GxE Effects Urban Rural aU = aR ? cU = cR ? eU = eR ?

Practical: Using Multiple Group Models to test for GxE

Problem: Many environments of interest do not fall into groups Regional alcohol sales Parental warmth Parental monitoring Socioeconomic status Grouping these variables into high/low categories loses a lot of information

‘Definition variables’ in Mx General definition: Definition variables are variables that may vary per subject and that are not dependent variables In Mx: The specific value of the def var for a specific individual is read into a matrix in Mx when analyzing the data of that particular individual

‘Definition variables’ in Mx create dynamic var/cov structure Common uses: To model changes in variance components as function of some variable (e.g., age, SES, etc) As covariates/effects on the means (e.g. age and sex)

Standard model Means vector Covariance matrix

Model-fitting approach to GxE Twin 1 Twin 2 M M

Model-fitting approach to GxE a+XM c e a+XM c e m m Twin 1 Twin 1 Twin 2 Twin 2 M M

Individual specific moderators a+XM1 c e a+XM2 c e m m Twin 1 Twin 1 Twin 2 Twin 2 M M

E x E interactions A C E A C E c+YM1 c+YM2 a+XM1 a+XM2 e+ZM1 Twin 1 Twin 1 Twin 2 Twin 2 M M

Classic Twin Model: Var (T) = a2 + c2 + e2 Moderation Model: Var (T) = (a + βXM)2 + (c + βYM)2 + (e + βZM)2 Purcell 2002, Twin Research

Var (T) = (a + βXM)2 + (c + βYM)2 (e + βZM)2 Where M is the value of the moderator and Significance of βX indicates genetic moderation Significance of βY indicates common environmental moderation Significance of βZ indicates unique environmental moderation BM indicates a main effect of the moderator on the mean

Matrix Letters as Specified in Mx Script c+YM1 c+YM2 a+XM1 a+XM2 c+cM*D1 c+cM*D2 e+ZM1 e+ZM2 a +aM*D1 a+aM*D2 e+eM*D2 e+eM*D1 Mediation versus moderation If a variable mediates an effect, significant in the means model, M > 0 significant increase in a, c or e when M is fixed to 0 If a variable moderates an effect X>0, Y>0, or Z > 0 irrespective of M or any reduction in a, c or e. Twin 1 Twin 2 M M m m mu mu

Practical: Using Definition Variables to test for GxE

Additional Things to Consider Unstandardized versus standardized effects

Additional Things to Consider ENVIRONMENT 1 ENVIRONMENT 2   Unstandardized Variance Standardized Variance Genetic 60 0.60 0.30 Common environmental 35 0.35 70 Unique environmental 5 0.05 Total variance 100 200 Unstandardized versus standardized effects

‘Definition variables’ in Mx create dynamic var/cov structure Common uses: To model changes in variance components as function of some variable (e.g., age, SES, etc) As covariates/effects on the means (e.g. age and sex)

Definition variables used as covariates General model with age and sex as covariates: yi =  + 1(agei) + 2 (sexi) +  Where yi is the observed score of individual i,  is the intercept or grand mean, 1 is the regression weight of age, agei is the age of individual i, 2 is the deviation of males (if sex is coded 0= female; 1=male), sexi is the sex of individual i, and  is the residual that is not explained by the covariates (and can be decomposed further into ACE etc).

Allowing for a main effect of X Means vector Covariance matrix

Common uses of definition variables in the means model Incorporating covariates (sex, age, etc) Testing the effect of SNPs (association) In the context of GxE, controlling for rGE

Gene-environment Interaction Genetic control of sensitivity to the environment Environmental control of gene expression Gene-environment Correlation Genetic control of exposure to the environment Environmental control of gene frequency

This complicates interpretation of GxE effects If there is a correlation between the moderator (environment) of interest and the outcome, and you find a GxE effect, it’s not clear if: The environment is moderating the effects of genes or Trait-influencing genes are simply more likely to be present in that environment

Adding Covariates to Means Model m+MM1 m+MM2 Twin 1 Twin 2 M M

Matrix Letters as Specified in Mx Script c+YM1 c+YM2 a+XM1 a+XM2 c+cM*D1 c+cM*D2 e+ZM1 e+ZM2 a +aM*D1 a+aM*D2 e+eM*D2 e+eM*D1 Mediation versus moderation If a variable mediates an effect, significant in the means model, M > 0 significant increase in a, c or e when M is fixed to 0 If a variable moderates an effect X>0, Y>0, or Z > 0 irrespective of M or any reduction in a, c or e. Twin 1 Twin 2 M M m+MM2 m+MM1 mu+b*D2 mu+b*D1 Main effects and moderating effects

Ways to deal with rGE Limit study to moderators that aren’t correlated with outcome Pro: easy Con: not very satisfying Moderator in means model will remove from the covariance genetic effects shared by trait and moderator Pro: Any interaction detected will be moderation of the trait specific genetic effects Con: Will fail to detect GxE interaction if the moderated genetic component is shared by the outcome and moderator Explicitly model rGE using a bivariate framework Pro: explicitly models rGE Con: Power to detect BXU decreases with increasing rGE; difficulty converging

AS AU M T aM aS + βXSM aU + βXUM βXS indicates moderation of shared genetic effects BXU indicates moderation of unique genetic effects on trait of interest M T