NEXCOM Next Generation Air/Ground Communications Appendix G NEXCOM Next Generation Air/Ground Communications AEEC General Session December 2001 Jim Eck Air/Ground Communications Product Team Lead
NEXCOM Program Background NARC Recommendations & FAA Response Report on spectrum status FAA to provide annual update of status & projected demand Continue to support VDL-2 development FAA uses VDL-2 as incubator of datalink program and operational concept validation FAA expects combined capacity of VDL-2 & VDL-3 required to meet RTCA Combined Operational Concept & OEP objectives Expedite system demo of VDL-3 in a certified system FAA will demo a “certifiable” VDL-3 voice system and an “interoperable” data system by 2004 in advance of rule publication
NEXCOM Program Background NARC Recommendations & FAA Response Develop an alternative plan if VDL-3 proves untimely FAA begins deployment of 8.33 capable radios in 2003 Lead development of common next generation communications system FAA believes VDL-3 is next system through 2030 FAA will work with ICAO to jointly study VHF architecture & critically review alternate band solutions as proposed
Operational System Demo NEXCOM System Demonstration Plan 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 System Demo I System Demo II Operational System Demo System Demo I Equipment: Air: MITRE Prototype Ground: ‘99 Configuration ITT MDR with FAA Prototype RIU Objective: Show VDL-3 technology is viable Demonstrates: Coverage Voice Quality Voice Override Integrated Voice and Data Objective: Show NEXCOM system architecture viability Demonstrates: Sector Handoffs ATN Network Interoperability System Management Commercial infusion Technology maturation Objective: Show commercial avionics certifiability and operational suitability Demonstrates: Operational digital voice Infosec capabilities Commercial avionics Human factors System Demo II Equipment: Air: MITRE & FAA Tech Center Prototypes Vendor Avionics (prototype) Ground: ITT MDR with FAA Prototype RIU Vendor Rapid Development equipment Operational System Demo Equipment: Air: Vendor Avionics Ground: ITT MDR with FAA Prototype RIU & GNI 4
NEXCOM Schedule Overview 2001 2003 2004 2009 2005 2002 2006 2007 2008 Demo 10/02 System Demo I 10/03 System Demo II 10/04 Operational Demo MDR MDR deployment 7/01 Contract Award 10/02 In-Service Decision Ground System Validation & Inter-Operability Tests with Airborne Avionics 7/02 Prototype Contract Award 10/01 System Reqmnts Document 1/05 Full Scale Dev Contract Award 07-12 Implementation 12/09 Operational 10/02 Characteristics Complete 8/03 Notice of Availability TSO Avionics 10/01 MOPS 8/04 Certified Aircraft 6/05-12/09 Airlines equip Rule Making Analysis & rule writing 6/05 VDL-3 Rule Published 1/02 RTCA Principals of Use 1/04 NPRM
NEXCOM VDL-3 AVIONICS TIMELINE 2001 2002 2003 2004 FAA VDL-3 TSO (AVR) Record Release Clearance Disposition of Comments Complete Notice of Availability (TSO) Draft TSO Initiated Submit to Legal Legal Review Pub in Fed Register Disposition Closed AIR Internal Review AGC Review 7/01 6/02 9/02 10/02 2/03 5/03 7/03 4 Mos 3/03 6/03 8/03 AVIONICS MANUFACTURERS (Development/Test) System Test & Integration Complete (contractor) Pre-Production/Interoperable Avionics to WJHTC PD, SOW, OTA Template Available to Vendors Prelim Design Complete ‘04 Demo - Ops Site PD (1st Industry Draft) ‘03 Demo - TC Certified Aircraft Avionics OTA 8/01 9/13/01 9/28/01 12/01 6/03 6/03 10/03 8/04 10-11/04 20 Months Discussions w/Manufacturers TSO Data Pkg to ACO AVIONICS MANUFACTURERS (TSOA) ACO Reviews TSO Data Pkg Prep/Sub Prelim SSA & Plan for SW Aspects of Cert TSOA 9/03 11/03 10/03 Prep/Submit Flight Test Plan & Balance of Design Approval Docs Conformity Insp & Install. Flight Test AVIONICS MANUFACTURERS (Installation STC) Submit Application for STC STC 10/03 12/03 4/04 2/04 7/04 6 Months Standards/ Requirements Interoperability Docs SC189 SPR Data VDR Subcommittee AEEC “A” Version MOPS Complete AEEC Char Available Operational Apprvl (AFS) Green Cover MOPS Available SC 198 SPR Voice MOPS SARPS 9/01 10/01 10/01 5/02 6/02 10/02 8/30/01
NEXCOM Program Risks Issue: Certified Avionics availability Action Plan: FAA/Airspace Users to collaborate on demo schedule & participation FAA/Industry to develop partnership agreements to develop, install & test avionics FAA/Users to provide in-kind support to demo operations Status: System Architecture & Integration Committee work – complete Characteristics development – pending AEEC General Session
NEXCOM Program Recommended Action: Approve initiation of VDL-3 characteristics development based upon existing 750 architecture