DODO (Dakar) logistics DABEX/DODO Washup meeting 30 March 2006, Exeter
Operations at the hotel
Operations at the hotel Hotel had generally very good facilities and on the whole the staff were very helpful Ops room at the hotel is essential, and worked well once established (a little remote – this is to be changed for DODO2) Essential to have DFL and science planning together French speakers a definite advantage Who is responsible for what? E.g. Logistics, instrument issues, mobile phones? Security issues – “lost” one laptop. Communications: need a way to communicate decisions other than compulsory briefing meetings daily
Operations at the airport Much more difficult than in Niamey due to the much busier airport Aircraft often parked a good distance from the terminal/offices/hangar space and access sometimes difficult Access to airport itself a little awkward Menzies were very good Office / storage space too far away and not brilliant (I never went there though!) Briefing locations few and far between…. No catering for those working on the aircraft on the ground Air con essential
Transport After the first morning this was OK, and the ready availability of taxis (albeit of dubious quality) means we do have a back up plan Transport at the airport was more haphazard, getting to and from the plane, especially going to and from the offices.
Communications: internet/phones Use of local mobile phones essential. Those brought from Niamey worked well with local sims. Too long to set up, and numbers wrong on master list! Key people (i.e. detachment manager, DFL, mission scientists) MUST communicate on their LOCAL mobiles… I often received calls from these people in Dakar on my UK phone resulting in a very large bill upon return. Internet intermittent, and generally never available early in the morning for confirmation of flight plans and latest weather obs. THIS MUST BE FIXED.
Transfer between Niamey and Dakar Scientifically this went well. Logistically it went well thanks to Menzies getting us into the country smoothly. Bamako refuel straightforward (apart from payment?) Passes need to be sorted out before arrival. Operationally some big problems: FAAM kit not being transferred (spare phones, router) FAAM Kit being packed in the wrong boxes therefore taking ages to find and subsequently redo the manifests FAAM staff expertise “unbalanced” between Niamey and Dakar Two down days as soon as we arrived will not be possible in DODO2 due to short length of detachment Lack of coherence over storage of electronic/paper logs, debriefs etc (now causing us problems)