S2 and Contracts Online (COL) Integration overview | January 2012 |
S2 / Contracts Online (COL) integration This presentation provides an overview of the integration between S2 and Contracts Online (COL). The presentation covers the following topics: Overview of S2 and Contracts Online (COL) S2 users view of the integration of S2 and COL What is exchanged between S2 and COL? What happens to the data in COL?
Overview of S2 and Contracts Online (COL) The Simplified Services (S2) tool is a comprehensive web-based solution that addresses this problem. It provides a list of selected pre-approved, pre-priced service products. It empowers each seller to configure, generate and close the service contract requested by the customer, within minutes, without having to obtain additional approvals. Contracts Online (COL) is a secure web-based application that supports the end-to-end contract execution and management process. It includes electronic delivery, internal approval and routing, negotiation, electronic signature, retrieval and print. It supports management of the entire contracting life cycle including negotiation, execution, purchase order, active and archive modules. COL works with contracts generated by S2 and feeds the contracts, which are completed and executed in COL, to the contract fulfillment centers.
S2 users view of the integration of S2 and COL Each country may enable S2 integration with COL. If a country has enabled it: The S2 Confirmation page (which is the final page of S2 processing) includes controls to send data and documents to COL. The User ID (User Id) and Organization ID (Org Id) are COL identifiers which the user can input directly or can stored in the user’s profile. From here the seller can send the information to Contracts Online (COL). S2 creates a draft transaction in COL with data and proposal documents when the seller clicks the Send to COL button
What is exchanged between S2 and COL? S2 transfers data and documents to COL. The data fields that S2 is currently programmed to pass to COL include: User ID Organization ID Proposal number Transaction Description Application ID Service Provider ID Distributor case: a string concatenated from the three substrings: the Tier 2 name, " / " (space, slash, space), and the end-customer name. S2 collects the Tier 2 name as a mandatory field when a distributor uses S2. Tier 1, SOBP, or IBM seller case is the end-customer name. Customer Number is the end-customer customer number that the S2 user inputs on the New Contract page. CMR system code for customer number is the ISO two-character country code concatenated with the IBM CMR system code, both from the country profile. Schedule value is the Total Contract Value (TCV) of the BP schedule. Currency is S2's currency code (e.g. "EUR") for the country of the proposal. Contract Start date is the date for this that S2 set or user selected on the Checkout page. Contract End Date is the date for this that S2 set or user selected on the Checkout page.
What is exchanged between S2 and COL? S2 sends most proposal documents to COL. Currently excluded documents: files uploaded to S2 other than econfig CFreports S2 provides offering management function to define which offering files should be visible to which user roles. S2 uses the same settings to specify visibility of documents passed to COL. For example, end-customer contracts would be visible to IBM users of COL, Business Partners, and customers but IBM internal documents would only be visible to IBM users.
What happens to the data in COL? Data and documents that S2 transmits to COL are displayed in tabs of the COL Transaction Details page.
What happens to the data in COL? S2’s document visibility settings control which COL IDs may view a given document. COL shows the visibility via checkmarks on the documents tab The COL user fills in more data as required and uses the transaction in a document flow, for example to drive contract approval by all parties.
S2 - Summary This presentation provided a brief overview of the integration between S2 and Contracts Online (COL). The presentation covered the following topics: Overview of S2 and Contracts Online (COL) S2 users view of the integration of S2 and COL What is exchanged between S2 and COL? What happens to the data in COL?