Library Orientation SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Terri Wilson Unit Assistant Director & Pharmacy Liaison Librarian Harrington Library of the Health Sciences The purpose of today’s session is to give you a basic introduction to the TTUHSC Libraries and our resources.
I am the subject librarian for Pharmacy I am the subject librarian for Pharmacy. If you have a question or need help, you can find my contact information by going to the Libraries homepage. Our web address is
On the left side of the screen, scroll down to “Resources” and mouseover “Contact the Libraries.” Click on “Amarillo” in the flyout menu.
Here you will find my office phone number and email address.
You need to come through the Libraries’ website whether you’re connecting from a TTUHSC network or non-Tech network so that you have access to the electronic databases, journals, and books to which we subscribe. If you are connecting from a TTUHSC network when you click on a resource, you will seamlessly be taken directly to that resource’s website. If you are connecting from a NON-Tech network when you click on a resource, you will get the eRaider login screen first.
Once you have entered your eRaider username and password, you will go directly to the resource that you chose.
In the center of the Libraries homepage, you will see sections and icons that will take you directly to some of our most frequently used resources. The search box at the top with multiple tabs allows you to do a quick search in any of the resources in those named tabs. The “Popular Resources by School” section takes you to pages specifically made for each school in the TTUHSC and which are populated with links to the most often used electronic resources for that school. At the bottom of the Library homepage is a section of links to our social networking sites as well as library news and events.
The School of Pharmacy Frequently Used Resources page has direct links to the most frequently used pharmacy resources from the Libraries. Under “Frequently Used Databases” you will find things like Lexi-Comp and Micromedex which offer a full range of information about medications and Natural Medicines which is devoted entirely to alternative medicines. Under “Frequently Used eBooks” you will find titles such as DiPiro’s and Trissel’s and Access Pharmacy which contains many essential pharmacy textbooks.
Under “Frequently Used Online Journals” you will find direct links to the journals most often used by pharmacy faculty and researchers. Under “Frequently Used Mobile Resources” are links to information about the mobile versions of Library resources and how to get them. Under “Orientation Presentations” are PowerPoint slides for library orientations like this one. And under “Additional Quick Links” are links that go to informative webpages about our library technologies and tools.
Now let’s take a closer look at the resources on the left side of the page. These are the links to our various resources and the services that we provide. At the top of the list is a link to our “Library Catalog.” Both our print books and our electronic books are searchable within the Library Catalog.
The default for searching the Library Catalog is by “Keywords” and “All Libraries.” You can also search title, author, subject, or specific numbers if you know them.
You can also limit your search to a specific library in our system, but it is best to leave your search at “All Libraries” because your local campus branch can always interlibrary loan a book from another branch in our system.
This is an example of a simple title search This is an example of a simple title search. I changed the first drop-down to “Title words,” typed my phrase into the text box, and left the libraries search option at “All libraries.” When you have added in all of your search parameters, click on the “Go” button.
The total number of books that match your search criteria appears at the top of the list. Each page shows 20 results.
If you want to sort the search results into a different order – for instance, from “Newest to oldest” books – click on the drop down arrow in the “Sort by” box and then click on your sort preference.
If we have access to a title electronically, you will see a highlighted “Online Access” and there will be a link to the online version of the book. For print versions of the book, you will see which edition(s) we own and which branches of our library own them. The call number of the book is in brackets. This is how you will find the book on the shelf. If you want more detailed information about a book, click on the title.
When viewing the full record of a book, you can see which branches own the book, if there are multiple volumes or multiple copies of the book, and if it is available for check out.
Another useful thing that you can do within the Library Catalog is to sign in using your eRaider username and password. By signing in, you can see what you have checked out, when the items are due, and renew items online.
The next major resource we will look at on our homepage is “Databases The next major resource we will look at on our homepage is “Databases.” When you mouseover “Databases,” you will see a list of some of our most frequently used databases on the fly-out menu. But if you click on the “All Databases” link at the top of the fly-out menu, you will be taken to an alphabetical list of the approximately 1,500 databases to which we subscribe. And of course don’t forget about the “Resources by School” link which will show you the most frequently used pharmacy databases.
You can search for databases in multiple ways You can search for databases in multiple ways. You can use the “Subjects” drop-down list to search for databases by subject areas like Pharmacy, Nursing, Physical Therapy, etc. You can search for “Database Types” like Citation Databases, Evidence Based Databases, Images Databases, etc. If you know the name of specific “Vendors/Providers” like Stat!Ref, Ovid, or Ebsco, you can go directly to their main webpage. Or if you know a specific database that you want to use, you can type the name in the “Search” box or browse through the alphabetical list.
The next section of resources on our homepage is for electronic journals. The easiest way to see if we own a particular journal is to search Gold Rush. Gold Rush is our list of all journals to which we subscribe, both electronic and print. You can access Gold Rush by clicking on “eJournals” on the left side of the screen or the Gold Rush icon in the center section of the page. If whatever database you’re in doesn’t show a link to full text, always double check in Gold Rush to see if we have access to the journal through some other source.
Remember that when you are in Gold Rush, you are only searching for the title of the journal that you want, not the article title.
In the default search box, when you type in a search (in this case “clinical pharmacy”), the database will search for those words anywhere in the title. Beginning, middle, or end. It will show every title that has those words anywhere in the title.
You can see in these search results that the phrase “clinical pharmacy” shows up in various ways within a title. The results also include titles that are related to “clinical pharmacy.” When you see the title that you are looking for, click on the link.
If we have the print version of the journal, there will be a link to the online catalog. If we have full-text access to the journal online, there will be one or more links to the homepage of the journal for each electronic resource that has the journal available. Be sure to note the years available from each access point. Note that the first resource covers the journal from 1998 to 2016. The most recent 12 months are not available online due to a publisher’s embargo. The last resource covers the journal from 1997 all the way up to the most recent issue.
When you click on the resource link that you want in Gold Rush, you will be taken to our subscription of that journal from that resource. Once you get to the journal’s homepage, you will need to find an “Archive” or “Past Issues” link and then look for the year, volume, and issue that your article is from.
Now let’s take a look at a couple of items under “Library Services Now let’s take a look at a couple of items under “Library Services.” The first is “Bibliographic Tools.” Click on the “more” link on the flyout menu.
On this page you will see three very important tools On this page you will see three very important tools. First, are the links to our subscriptions to the reference management software programs, EndNote and RefWorks. Both of these programs make saving citations, creating bibliographies, and writing research papers much easier and far less time-consuming. RefWorks is entirely online. EndNote is available as an installable software program and as an online service. There is also a link to the electronic version of the AMA Manual of Style, which is the style guide supported by the School of Pharmacy.
If you need to borrow material that is not accessible from your home library, you will need to request an Interlibrary Loan. If you are physically in one of our libraries, you can request an ILL by filling out a paper form. You can also fill out an online form to request an ILL no matter where you are located. Under “Library Services,” mouseover “Interlibrary Loan” and click on “Online ILL Request Form” in the fly-out menu.
You will have to Agree to several statements.
You will need to login with your eRaider username first.
Fill out all of the information that you have for the item, then click the “Submit Request” button at the bottom of the page. When the item comes in, if you are on a campus that has a library, you will receive an email or phone call to come to the library and pick up your item. You must pay any fees when you pick up the item. If you are on a campus that does not have a library, you will receive the item and an invoice for any fees via UPS.
Amarillo Book Checkout 2 week loan Renew twice CIRCULATION POLICIES Amarillo Book Checkout 2 week loan Renew twice To renew books, call phone on date due slip or renew online Maximum of 12 items can be checked out 3-day grace period for overdue books Fines are 50 cents per item per day Replacement costs = price of item + $25.00 fee + total fines Books are checked out to you for 2 weeks. You can renew 2 times if no one else wants the book and has put a hold on it. To renew your books, just call the phone number on the date due slip in the book or you can renew online. The maximum number of items you can have checked out at one time is 12 items. You have a 3-day “grace period” for renewing or returning a book. No fines will accrue for 3 days after your book is due. After that third day, you will be charged a fine of 50 cents per item per day for every day that the book is overdue. As a courtesy, our computerized library system will email you and text you an overdue notice for every overdue book and for every fine. But remember that you are still responsible for returning your materials on time, even if you did not receive the notice. Fines must be paid before you can check out any other materials or receive any interlibrary loans. If you lose a book, the replacement cost is the price of the book, a $25.00 processing fee, plus the total of all the fines you accrued on that book.
Amarillo Book Drops One inside the library at Circulation Desk CIRCULATION POLICIES Amarillo Book Drops One inside the library at Circulation Desk One outside front door of Laura Bush Institute building One between SOP and SOM buildings N Coulter Street For those of you on the Amarillo campus, we have three drop boxes where you can return books. One is inside the library at the Circulation Desk. One is outside the front door of the Laura Bush Women’s Health Institute building on Wallace Boulevard (which is where the library is housed). And one is between the School of Pharmacy and School of Medicine buildings, towards the back parking lot.
Campuses With No Library CIRCULATION POLICIES Campuses With No Library Books owned by TTUHSC Libraries All requests handled as Interlibrary Loan Sent via UPS Ground delivery Pre-paid return label included Free to borrow One month loan Renew once for additional two weeks All other campuses without a physical library: All of your requests will be handled as Interlibrary Loan requests. Other campuses: If you are requesting a book that belongs to a TTUHSC library, your material will be sent via UPS Ground delivery with a paid return label. We ask that you try to re-use the packaging when returning materials to the library so that the return size and weight will be consistent with the paid return label information. There is no charge to borrow books from any of the TTUHSC Libraries branches. Books can be kept for one month and can be renewed once for an additional two weeks if no one has put a hold on them. Amarillo: The only difference for you when your request an Interlibrary Loan book from another TTUHSC Libraries branch is that instead of being mailed directly to you, your ILL requests will be sent to your home library, and you will receive a phone call or email to come to the library to pick up the item.
Campuses With No Library (cont’d) CIRCULATION POLICIES Campuses With No Library (cont’d) Audio-Visual owned by TTUHSC Libraries All requests handled as Interlibrary Loan Sent via UPS Ground delivery Pre-paid return label included $2.00 per item One month loan Renew once for additional two weeks Audio visual materials borrowed through ILL from other TTUHSC Libraries are charged at $2.00 per item. Other campuses: Same rule as it was for books. A-V materials are sent to you via UPS Ground delivery with a paid return label. Please re-use the packaging when returning A-V materials so that the return size and weight will be consistent with the paid return label information. Amarillo, you can pick up your ILL audio-visual items at your home library, and you must pay for it when you pick it up. Other campuses, you will receive a bill when the item is sent to you.
ALL Campuses Journal articles owned by TTUHSC Libraries CIRCULATION POLICIES ALL Campuses Journal articles owned by TTUHSC Libraries All requests handled as Interlibrary Loan Sent by fax, mail, or email attachment Charge of 25 cents per page up to a maximum of $4.00 Do not have to be returned ALL CAMPUSES: If you are requesting an article from a journal that belongs to a TTUHSC library, this request will be sent to you via fax, U. S. Mail, or as a PDF e-mail attachment. Amarillo may also elect to pick up a printed copy of the article in your home library. Journal articles are charged at 25 cents per page up to a maximum of $4.00. Amarillo, you must pay for the article when you pick it up. Other campuses, you will receive a bill when the article is sent to you. Of course, journal articles do not have to be returned.
ALL Campuses ANY material borrowed from NON-TTUHSC library CIRCULATION POLICIES ALL Campuses ANY material borrowed from NON-TTUHSC library $4.00 per item Loan period depends on lending library Renewals depend on lending library ALL CAMPUSES: Books, journal articles, and audio-visual materials borrowed from NON-TTUHSC Libraries are charged at a flat rate of $4.00 per item. Renewals of books and audio-visual materials are at the discretion of the lending library. We can request a renewal, but it might not be granted. Amarillo, you pick up your ILLs at your home library, and you must pay for it when you pick it up. Other campuses, you will receive a bill when the item is sent to you.
The last thing that we will do today is activate your library account The last thing that we will do today is activate your library account. You must have a current library account in order to use the library conference room in Amarillo, to order interlibrary loan items, and of course, to check out books.
At the top of the form in the drop-down menu for “Home Library,” Abilene will need to pick “Lubbock.” Amarillo, obviously you pick “Amarillo.” You will then need to fill out ALL of the boxes below with your personal contact information. Then click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. You should receive a confirmation email acknowledging that you created your library account. Amarillo, within 3-5 business days, you will receive an email from us to come into the library and get a bar code applied to the back of your ID card. Abilene, your R number will be your library account number.
If you have any questions about using library resources, please don’t hesitate to call (806-414-9957) or email me (