Directions: Come in and take out homework folder Put backpack in green closet Put bin on floor Wait for Mrs. Leone to change slide
Directions: Write TALE in Elective 1 Pre-Vocational and RELA T: News2you A: New Clothes
Thursday, October 26, 2017
What’s the weather like? ay/l/USTX0625:1:US Directions: Wait for Mrs. Leone to ask you a question to make your prediction.
Daily buzz-What’s going on at AMS? Red Ribbion Week Fall Festival November 10 071&ModuleInstanceID=84369&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316- 3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=275713&PageID=70450
Daily buzz-What’s going on in our class today? Mrs. Leone will be out Thursday and Friday Brandon and Christian you have speech @11:00 with Mrs. Roy (2nd period) Christian you will have your snack after you come back from speech. Luis and A.J. you have speech @ 2:17 (5th period)
It’s time for Go Noodle! Please stand up and push your chairs in.
Check Schedule Morning Meeting with Mrs. Leone Pick up bin and hang up backpack Clean Schedule Write TALE Two to Four Minute break of choice Day of the Week and Weather Announcements Sensory Activity-Go noodle or Move to Learn Check-in and Check Schedule
Check in 5- I am losing control, very upset and angry 4- something is really bothering me, I am somewhat upset and angry 3- becoming more nervous and worried 2- a little bit nervous, something small bothering me 1- Happy and Calm
What are we learning today? T: News2you A: New clothes L: none E: none
Directions: Put your binder in bin Put pencils away Eyes on Screen =documents&blobName=new2you/3_Publish/in_the _news/new_clothes.idoc
Assignment: Log in to computer and google classroom account. Luis click on Pre-Vocational and answer Current events exit ticket Allison and Christian click on RELA 6 and answer Current events exit ticket
Directions: Check schedule Take out pencil Wait for Mrs. Szoeke and Mrs. Bogenschutz to give you your Today I paper
Directions: Write what you did today in 1st period Start sentence with Today I If you need help raise your hand
Christian take out your binder and speech notebook. Directions: Christian take out your binder and speech notebook. Put speech notebook and binder on top of your desk Go to sensory until it is time for you to go to speech
Directions for Luis and Allison Go to sensory
Directions: Christian and Brandon Take your small resource binder, speech notebook, and a pencil to speech. Katie will be walking you down to speech. Ms. Roy might be with another class. Wait for her outside of her office until she arrives.
Snack time! Pick up a mat Pick up snack and/or take out of backpack Clean up mat when you are done
Take out your binder and write your TALE in the RELA section of your agenda. T: News2you A: Dog Sport Packet L: none E: none
Directions: Luis and Allison take out a pencil Pick up Red Rela Folder Take out Dog Sport Packet If you do not have a Dog Sport Packet raise your hand Wait for Mrs. Bogenschutz instructions
Directions: Check Schedule Write on Today I paper about what you did in RELA class today
Directions: A.J., Brandon, and Christian Put binder in Bin You will be having your snack at this time
4th Period-Write your TALE Math- Brandon, Luis, Allison, and Christian: T: Prodigy A: Prodigy L: none RELA-A.J. T: World Series/Start 2finish A: World Series/Start 2 finish
Directions Math Students: A.J. Take out small resource binder Wait for Mrs. Szoeke and Mrs. Bogenschutz to tell you which computer to log in to. A.J. Read World Series article on News2you Take out pencil Wait for Mrs. Szoeke or Mrs. Bogenschutz to give you your article reflection
Directions after Lunch: Take out a pencil Write about what you did today during 2nd and 4th period Write about what you ate for Lunch
Tiger Time Eyes on Screen Quiet Mouth during announcements Clear off desk Put binder and pencils in bin Put homework folder in bin Eyes on Screen Quiet Mouth during announcements
Announcement Highlights and upcoming events October 26 and 27th @ 7 p.m. Theatre Fall production Speak Life this Friday @ 8 Mud Run October 28th 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Red Ribbon Week-Dress up like a superhero Friday Fall festival at AMS November 10 Buy your Yearbook. Price $35 until Friday Orchestra Concert
Directions: Take out a book to read until timer goes off You may read at your desk, a yoga ball, rocker, or on a bean bag NO SLEEPING OR NAPPING!!
3rd Period-P.E. Line up at door A.J. go to Mrs. Blakemore’s class and take binder with you
5th period-Social Studies Brandon, Christian, and Allison T: Hispanic Heritage Project A: PowerPoint videos L: none E: none Luis and A.J. T: Speech A: Speech L: none E: none
Directions: Allison, Brandon, and Christian Log in to our Social Studies google classroom Watch the videos how to insert a slide and how to insert a picture Complete the exit ticket for both videos
Directions: A.J. and Luis Take speech notebook and small resource binder out of bin Walk over to Speech
Directions when finished: Write about what you did today in 3rd period Read a book until timer goes off or until Mrs. Bogenschutz instructs you to stop reading.
6th Period-Electives Brandon go to STEM. Mrs. Loving will meet you there A.J. go to Foods for Today Allison, Christian, and Luis wait for Mrs. Szoeke to tell you it is time to go to Art.
Directions Before 7th Period Clean off schedule Go to sensory until Mrs. Bogenschutz calls time.
7th period T: Force and motion A: Simple Machines L: none E: Re-Quiz next week Directions: Put binder in bin Pick up science notebook from mailbox Wait for instructions
End of Day Routine Christian, Luis, Allison, and Brandon hang up your Id’s Put homework folder in backpack Place Backpack on your desk Put bin on table Wait for Mrs. Szoeke or Mrs. Bogenschutz to call your name