GSC2 @ ESO: Applications to the ESO Imaging Survey and to the VLT R.Mignani (ESO) 7th GSC2 Meeting 2001
ESO Imaging Survey ( The ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) is a pilot project in preparation for VST (2003) and VISTA (2004)
ESO Imaging Survey EIS carried on with WFI@2.2m (34x33 arcmin 8 chips mosaic CCD) GSC2 is now used in the EIS pipeline for astrometric calibration of the survey fields The Deep Public Survey (DPS) (started fall ‘99) covers 3 (0.5x2 deg) patches in UBVRI + JKs, including Chandra Deep Field South EIS CDFS observations relased early this year (Vandame et al. 2001 A&A- accepted; Arnouts et al. 2001 A&A in press)- test release of GSC2.1 used (<0.1” rms)- data will be rereleased asap with GSC2.2 astrometry The Pre-FLAMES Survey (PFS) covers 160 (0.5x0.5 deg) fields in BVI - GCs, OCs, LMC, SMC, GB ... targets for the SV of FLAMES@KUEYEN The GOODS/ESO observations of the CDFS tbd with WFI@2.2m, ISAAC@Antu
GOODS/ESO coverage
EIS coverage
FLAMES@KUEYEN FLAMES is a Fiber system feeding GIRAFFE and UVES MOS spectrographs @VLT/KUEYEN (Commissioning end of 2001) GIRAFFE in MEDUSA mode is fed by 130 fibers (1.2” diam) Automatic ACQ Very stringent requirements on the astrometry (< 0.2”) Challenge for the GSC2 First data released so far: 4 OCs: Berkeley 20, NGC 2477, NGC2506, M67 2 SMC Fields: NGC330,NGC346 Momany et al 2001 A&A-in press
USNOA2.0 vs GSC2.2 Test computed wrt the M67 field
RA,DEC residuals vs RA,DEC
RA,DEC residuals vs mag
USNOA2.0&GSC2.2 vs Ref Astrometry compared vs Reference astrometry of M67 field (Girard et al. 1989 AJ 98, 227)
Landolt vs GSC2 Visual inspections on the DSS have shown that Landolt stars are off from the nominal positions (Landolt 1992 AJ 104,340) In some cases, differences up to few arcmin have been found Unknown PMs (to be measured) Errors in the original Astrometry Pbs for automatic recognition of standards and photom pipelines Reassessment of Landolt coo in the GSC2 system Interactive ID interface set up with SKYCAT Possible variables found The revised Landolt cat being published
Conclusions ESO is waiting for 100% sky coverage before using routinely GSC2 for telescope operations EIS is GSC2 “best customer” with GSC2 used in ALL EIS Surveys GSC2 accuracy well within the requirements GSC2 is valuable support for FLAMES users GSC2 used to set a new astrometric standard for Landolt stars --> important for pipeline photometric calibrations ... not only EIS but also VLT