Environmental Issues of Africa
Lack of Water Only 47% of sub-Saharan Africa has access to safe drinking water. Causes- Natural Phenomena such as snails, worms, insect larvae and parasites Effects- Waterborne diseases reduce life expectancy, lessen quality of life and halt economic development
Deforestation Occurs when forests are cut to clear space for cultivation, grazing or settlement. Causes- Slash and burn agriculture, trees cut for firewood and building materials and forests not be replanted. Effects- Loss of animal and plant habitats and desertification
Desertification The conversion of productive land into desert. Causes- Overgrazing, over cultivation, deforestation and over irrigation Effects- Lack of arable land has led to famine
Unclean or Polluted Water Disposal of toxic waste in water resources Causes- European companies dumping toxic waste in Africa Effect- Diseases and illness throughout Africa
Soil Erosion Africa’s soil has eroded and lost its fertility Causes- With the onset of colonial rule large plantations were developed and the export of raw materials such as rubber, ivory, palm oil, timber and copper started. Effects- Enormous pressure has been place on Africa’s fragile ecosystem.