Classes for newer players Bridge Center, 10190 Hickman Court, Clive (1 block S. of Hickman Rd off 100th St.) Classes for newer players Beginning Bridge Bonni Newton Play of the Hand Nancy Wilson Supervised Play Bonni Newton Fridays 9am lesson Play 9:30 – 11:30 Ongoing-no partner necessary Some Bridge Experience necessary. *Beginners are seated with other beginners *Play hands actually played at a BH game *Gain confidence at the table with those of similar ability Contact Bonni Newton 778-0899 or A Leukemia Lymphoma Fund Raiser $5/session Wednesday evenings beginning Oct. 1- Nov. 19 6:30-8:30 pm.Cost $40 or $5 per session for returning students Book is $15. An 8 week course is for the very beginner and will also serve as a great refresher for students with some bridge experience. Contact Bonni Newton@ 778-0899 or Thursdays evenings beginning Sept. 25 - Oct. 23 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Now that you have learned basic bidding, we will focus on how to play the hand, tips on defense while reviewing the bidding. In each class we will play six to eight hands with instruction and supervised play. $5/class Contact Nancy Wilson or 285-9916 Transfer class in early December -date to be announced. Games for newer players WEDNESDAY 12:00 0-20 point teaching game for new players. Lesson starts at 12:00, game at 12:30. Separate game: 0-200 stratified game1/2 hour lesson at 12:00 and the game following at 12:30. For more information contact Bonni Newton 778-0899 SUNDAY 2-4:30 pm Chat Bridge for students and new players Includes a "1/2hour mini lesson" Contact Nancy Wilson 285-9916 MONDAY 6:00 pm Chat Bridge for students and new players 6-8:30 pm Includes a "1/2hour mini lesson" Contact Nancy Wilson 285-9916 See: for more information (classes or schedule) Fall 2014