1) Copy down your homework for tonight, it is DUE TOMORROW! Bell Ringer Date: December 1st, 2016 1) Copy down your homework for tonight, it is DUE TOMORROW! 2) Take out your Bell Ringers for this Week and answer the question below… 12/1: In your opinion, what is the most important ISSUE political parties should focus on?
Complete Chp. 8 Sec. 2 questions with 90% accuracy Today’s Agenda Measureable Objective Complete Chp. 8 Sec. 2 questions with 90% accuracy Florida Standard: Recognize the contributions of the founding fathers. (Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson) Agenda I do: Explain political parties & review. We do: Read Chp. 8 Sec. 2 and answer two questions together. You do: Finish reading Chp. 8 Sec. 2 and complete answering questions Essential Question How did the Framers of the Constitution & founding fathers feel about Political Parties? Learning Goal - By the end of the lesson you will… Demonstrate how George Washington set a precedent for all future presidents and how this presidency affected the nation.
Groups Factions Coalition Conglomorate Chapter 8 Review 1) Which term was used as a substitute for what we call today Political Parties? Groups Factions Coalition Conglomorate
Disliked them Much needed Selfish groups Hostile Chapter 8 Review 2) Which of the following statements BEST describes the founding fathers view of factions? Disliked them Much needed Selfish groups Hostile
3) Which two political parties emerged from Washington’s Cabinet? Chapter 8 Review 3) Which two political parties emerged from Washington’s Cabinet? Democrats & Republicans Democratic Republicans & Libertarians Federalists & Libertarians Democratic Republicans & Federalists
4) How many terms did George Washington serve? Chapter 8 Review 4) How many terms did George Washington serve? One Two Three One ½
5) Who became President in the election of 1796? Chapter 8 Review 5) Who became President in the election of 1796? Alexander Hamilton John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison
6) Who became the Vice-President in the election of 1796? Chapter 8 Review 6) Who became the Vice-President in the election of 1796? Alexander Hamilton John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison
DUE TOMORROW: Define Chapter 8 Vocabulary pgs. 282 to 301. NOT PEOPLE Homework for this week! DUE TOMORROW: Define Chapter 8 Vocabulary pgs. 282 to 301. NOT PEOPLE Inauguration Precedent Bond Speculator Unconstitutional Tariff Faction Neutral Impressment Alien Sedition Nullify
Political Parties Emerge Name Date Period E12 Political Parties Emerge Directions Take out a BLANK sheet of loose leaf paper and set it up like so… Take your paper and fold it in half hotdog style…
Political Parties Emerge Directions: For the following statements, write down the following NUMBERS for each statement that you AGREE with for certain issues.
Interpretation of the Constitution I favor a strict interpretation of the Constitution (everything it says goes). The federal government should be strictly limited in what actions it can take. Constitutions should be loosely interpreted (they can be changed); the reason is that they must necessarily not be permanent, and that they cannot calculate for the possible change of things. 1 2
The American Economy In order for our nation to be strong we must be diversified, giant, Manufacturing (creating goods), urban based, and to be what we might call 'booming'. The American economy should rest on the diligence of the farmer. The farmer represents all noble Republican ideals. I distrust cities and bankers and put my faith in the yeoman farmer. 3 4
The Central Government I am for a strong central government. The states alone have shown disposition towards certain matters. We need a central government to keep them in line. I equate federalism with Royalism. I support the states’ rights theory which asserts that the federal government has no right to exercise powers over the states. 5 6
War Debt The states should pay the war debt to the government independently. States like Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Virginia, which have already paid off their debts, see no reason why they should be taxed by the federal government to pay off the debts of other states. A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing. “The public necessities must be satisfied; this can only be done by contributions of the whole society.” 7 8
French Revolution I SUPPORT the French Revolution as they are fighting for the same things we did in the American Revolution, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I DO NOT support the French Revolution as they have to be controlled. The masses cannot be trusted. 9 10
National Bank I am STRONGLY OPPOSED to the creation of a national bank. If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless.... I BELIEVE IN THE NEED for banks to provide credit and stimulate the economy. "And why cannot we have an American bank? I propose a Bank of the United States with a $10 million capital and the ability to issue paper money. 11 12
just government should refuse, or rest on The Bill of Rights I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular; and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inferences. 13 14
Political Parties Emerge Directions: For the following statements, circle the LETTER for each statement that you either agree or disagree with for certain issues.
Directions: Using your half sheet & E12, circle which NUMBERS and LETTTERS you wrote down on your sheet. Total up how many you have of each and write that number down.
Political Parties Emerge I belong to the _________ political party Directions: Write down the following sentence and fill it in…
Which Political Party are you? Democratic Republicans Federalists Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson
BIO: BIO: ON THE BACK OF YOUR PAPER Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton BIO: BIO: Member of Continental Congress Author of Federalist Papers 1st Secretary of Treasury Leader & Financial Mogul Member of Continental Congress Author of Declaration of Independence 1st Secretary of State Lawyer & educated in government
Ideas about Government: Ideas about Government: Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Ideas about Government: Ideas about Government: 1) Favored a strong, central government 2) Economy based on commerce and manufacturing 3) Loose interpretation of the Constitution 4) Federal government supreme over the states 5) Wanted to create a National Bank 6) All states had to pay for debt 1) Favored strong state governments 2) Favored an economy based on farming and agriculture 3) Wanted limited powers for the Federal Government 4) Strict interpretation of the Constitution 5) Supporter of the Bill of Rights 6) Against the creation of a National Bank
Democratic Republicans Federalists Directions: On the back of your paper, based your parties ideas, do you still agree with them, why or why not? Which political party do you think you would be today? Sentence 1: Based on these ideas, (I still agree or I don’t agree) with my party because… Sentence 2: Today I would probably be a …… Democratic Republicans Federalists Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson
Democratic Republicans Federalists Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton Political Party called: Political Party called: Democratic Republicans Federalists