Civics and Economics Course introduction
What is Civics? Civics is the study of rights and duties of citizenship; The study of government with particular attention given to the role of citizens― as opposed to external factors― in the operation and oversight of government. The study of good citizenship and proper membership in a community What communities are we a part of?
What is Civics? Knowing your rights Free speech Free assembly Right to bear arms Petition Freedom of religion Free expression Free press Freedom from search & seizure Freedom from self-incrimination Right to vote
What is Civics? Knowing your responsibilities Voting Being informed Participation in government Volunteering in community Contributing to the common good
What is Civics? Knowing your duties Paying taxes Serving jury duty Obeying the laws Serving in the armed forces when called upon (males must register at 18)
What is economics? Personal finance State economies Federal Fiscal and Monetary policy National Debt National, state and local budgets Stock market Banking Business cycle International trade
Supply and Demand
A Civics and economics Hero? What will you be? A Civics and economics Hero?
A civics and Economics villain? Or … A civics and Economics villain?