EVOLUTION Which one of these animals is a fish? Evolution is known as "the unifying theory of biology" What does that mean?
The task is difficult.. partly because the word "fact" is a tough word. When something is a fact, it suggests it is absolute, and not subject to change. Science doesn't like absolutes. Definition of fact: an observation that has been confirmed repeatedly and is accepted as true (although its truth is never final) Scientists prefer to use the term OBSERVATIONS Look at how it changes the tone of these sentences. 1. It is a fact that the sky is blue. (Is it?) 2. I observe the sky is blue.
Evolution is NOT LINEAR
More misunderstandings..... 1. If humans evolved into monkeys, why are there still monkeys? This is also related to the misunderstanding that evolution follows a linear path...that everything is trying to be human. - NOT SO - There are many kinds of primates, each adapted to its own environment, just like there are many kinds of felines This picture is flawed, but commonly used to illustrate human evolution.
None of these felines will evolve into a lion.
Myth 2: Scientists regularly debate whether evolution occurs. The only place debate occurs is in social settings, and is philosophical in nature. If any debate occurs among biologists, it’s often regarding specifics - such as timing, or what animal is related to what, or when did a creature evolve and what is its origins. As a THEORY, evolution is supported by a large body of evidence and is used to EXPLAIN new observations. It is also useful for making PREDICTIONS
Myth 3: A person cannot believe in God and in evolution. There are many scientists who have religious beliefs. One does not necessarily preclude the other. To say that the two are incompatible is unfair to both scientists and people of faith.
Another myth is that evolution encourages the strong to destroy the weak. Remember, "strong" and "weak" are relative. Organisms do not have to be strong to survive. Cephalopods aren’t the strongest organisms in the sea, but they do have a unique survival skill.
Media: PBS Evolution - many resources covering the topic - videos, articles, activities and more Darwin's Dangerous Idea - 1st in a 7 part series on evolution; begins with Darwin's voyage on the Beagle and how he established the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection Nova: Intelligent Design on Trial - A recent covering of a trial in Dover, Delaware, where the school board tried to establish "intelligent design" as part of its science curriculum. The Panda's Thumb - news archives about evolution and society, focuses on debunking "creation science" and "intelligent design"