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Presentation transcript:

UPDATE ON TOURISM STATISTICS & WAVES HATAB CONFERENCE 22 April 2016 Ms Temalo M. Lesetlhe - Department of Tourism & Mr. E Itshekeng - WAVES coordinator, Ministry of Finance & Development Planning

Structure of Presentation Part I Background Botswana National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Tourism Sector Statistics Plan Status of Tourism Statistics System of Tourism Statistics Update/Progress made Part II Botswana Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Eco-Systems (WAVES) Project / Natural Capital Accounts for Tourism

Botswana National Strategy for Development of Statistics The BNSDS is : A framework to strengthen entire National Statistical System to: address data needs & limitations in order to improve timely production of statistics integrate statistics within national policy processes Mobilize and prioritize use of resources for statistics The BNSDS process started in 2012 and was completed, signed and launched by Minister, MFDP in October, 2015 A national Inter-Agency Statistics Committee (ISAC)

Fully coordinated National Statistical System Agriculture Health etc StatisticsBotswana MEWT (Tourism) Labour & Home Affairs Education

Sectoral Approach to BSDS Design SSP (Agric) SSP (MLGRD) SSP (SB) SSP ( C&NR ) SSP ( Tourism ) SSP(T&I) SSP: Sector Statistics Plan

MEWT - Sector In 2013 a decision was taken to include MEWT in the BNSDS A decision was taken to start with tourism, thereafter other sectors in the Ministry will follow A committee (tourism) was constituted mid 2013 whose mandate is to develop the plan but most importantly to spearhead development of tourism statistics Membership: DOT, BTO, Statistics Botswana, HATAB, TAABOT, Bank of Botswana, BNPC, Immigration, DWNP, UB-Int’l Tourism Research Centre) Nov. 2013 inauguration of the committee & development of the sector plan started

Tourism Sector Statistics Plan Assessment of the state of statistics key message: To see a strong stakeholder driven tourism sector statistical system where: - Statistics are fully integrated into policy & decision making - Comprehensive, credible, impartial and objective statistics - Open data platforms and systems to enable data accessibility -

Cont….. - Data users are empowered to interpret and use data A better coordinated statistical system Development of a five year strategic plan Submission to SB for incorporation into the BNSDS

Current Status of Tourism Statistics .

SYSTEM OF TOURISM STATISTICS (STS) The Tourism Industry is not explicitly recognised as a sector in the System of National Accounts (SNA 93) Therefore there is need for a measurement framework Measurement of this is centred on the System of Tourism Statistics (STS). A STS comprises three aspects i.e.: Tourism Satellite Account (TSA); Balance of Payments for Tourism (BoPT); and Labour Accounts for Tourism (LAT)

TSA – Ten Tables TSA: RMF 2008 (UNWTO & UNSC)

Data Source Table 1: Inbound Tourism Tourist Arrivals survey & Visitor Expenditure surveys, Tour operator survey (Immigration, SB, DoT) Table 2: Domestic Tourism House Hold Survey (SB, DoT) Table 3: Outbound Tourism Departure Survey (Immigration, SB, DoT) Table 4: Internal Tourism Consumption Sum Table 1+2 (Tourism Demand) Table 5: Production Accounts of Tourism Industries Supply side surveys (SB, DoT) Table 6: Domestic Supply & Consumption Reconciliation of Table 4&5 Tourism Value Added & Tourism GDP Table 7: Employment Labour Force Survey (DoT, SB) Table 8: Gross Fixed Capital Formation National Accounts (SB, DoT, BTO) Table 9: Collective Consumption DoT, BTO, DWNP etc. Table 10: Non-Monetary Indicators Arrivals, Establishments & capacity (SB,DoT etc) Other: Tourism Government Revenue Tourism Balance of Payments Natural Capital Accounts for Tourism Sustainable Tourism Indicators Duties & Taxes (BURS, DoT) License fees (DoT, BTO, DWNP etc) Tourism Imports & Exports (DoT, BoB) Economic, Social-cultural, & Environ. Indicators

Status Tourist Arrivals: available up to 2014. 2015 Data entry up to June 2015 & report expected Aug 2016 Visitor Expenditure Survey: Data entry for 2013 -2015 is expected to commence May 2016. 2016 first survey in progress Accommodation Statistics: Data entry for 2014 – 2015 is in progress

Status cont…… Tourism Employment: Initial discussions with Statistics Botswana Labour Statistics Unit planned for May National Accounts Update of the TSA – Contract to secure an expert to assist is at an advanced stage. Work expected to start around July 2016

Status Cont….. Government Revenue Generated by Tourism: Data collection expected to start September 2016 Structure of the Natural Capital Accounts for Tourism: Data assessment expected to be completed in June 2016

Status Cont……. Tourism Statistics Database upgrading (online system – June 2016) Data Centre in place Implementation of the sector plan has started: workshops etc Statistics Botswana: Economic Directorate mandate expanded to include Tourism

Reference Documents Tourism Sector Statistics Plan UNWTO: International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics IRTS 2008 UNWTO: Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework TSA:RMF 2008 Botswana TSA 2005/06 & 2009 Technical Manual - UNWTO/ILO Measuring Employment in Tourism Industries

THANK YOU “If you cant measure it you cant manage it” “What we measure affects what we do; and if our measurements are flawed, decisions may be distorted.” (Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi 2009)