Welcome to Spain
Map of Spain Spain Spain is on the continent of Europe. The capital of Spain is Madrid
The people of Spain speak Spanish and Castilian
Pre-scholar infintil-3-6 Primary-6-12 E.S.O-12-16 Bachiller-16-18 School years Kindergarden-0-3 Pre-scholar infintil-3-6 Primary-6-12 E.S.O-12-16 Bachiller-16-18
1.Lynx 2.Egyptian mongoose 3.Wild boar 4.Garden dormouse Native animals 1.Lynx 2.Egyptian mongoose 3.Wild boar 4.Garden dormouse
Exported foods Tapas Pella Jamon Questo Manchengo Sarrom
Traditional foods Tapas Pella Jamon Sorrom Questo Manchengo
Unique places in Spain Avila Salam Toledo
population Population of Spain 46,747,748 of July 2011.
There is a tomato throwing festival. Interesting facts There is a tomato throwing festival. The Spanish name for Spain is Espana.
Thanks for visiting Spain By: Clayton Cummings https://youtu.be/Tfd3Jd5b0Dg