ELN Workshop - Cambridge


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Presentation transcript:

ELN Workshop - Cambridge 13/01/2017 Christopher Brown

Our vision and mission Vision To make the UK the most digitally advanced education and research nation in the world Mission To enable people in higher education, further education and skills to perform at the forefront of international practice by exploiting fully the possibilities of modern digital empowerment, content and connectivity 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

Of the sectors, by the sectors, for the sectors Jisc is… Of the sectors, by the sectors, for the sectors Championing the importance & potential of digital technologies for UK education and research Under its own oversight Dedicated entirely to the sectors’ individual and collective needs Not a vendor: Jisc deals with and/or works with vendors and publishers on the collective behalf Not for profit: every £ used for the sectors’ benefit Objective, but not unbiased: we put the sectors’ interests above all else 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

We do… 3 main things Shared digital infrastructure and services Expert and trusted advice and practical assistance Sector wide deals with IT vendors and commercial publishers Current examples: Janet network, shared data centre, eduroam wireless, geospatial services Future examples: Learner analytics, research data management, FE college in a box Current examples: Microsoft 365 email, Amazon web services, e-journals, FE e-books Future examples: Prevent web filtering, Tableau, new models for digital publishing Current examples: Financial x-ray, cloud advice, cyber security/business continuity Future examples: FE mergers, open access good practice, national monograph strategy 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

Research Data Network http://researchdata.network/ 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

Jisc Co-design March 2017 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

Co-design consultation 2016-17 We want to find the next big ideas for technology in education and research: What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for universities and colleges? What should the next generation of digital learning environments do? What should a next-generation research environment look like? Which skills do people need to prepare for research practice now and in the future? What would truly digital apprenticeships look like? How can we use data to improve teaching and learning? 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

Next Generation Research Environment What should a next-generation research environment look like? We think it’s time to define the future of research environments and determine how such environments can support the current and future needs of researchers https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/get-involved/what-should-a-next-generation-research- environment-look-like General feedback - important area to tackle but we are at a very early stage of understanding the problem and potential solutions Idea – “Jisc will bring relevant experts together to identify what is required from a next generation research environment, assess existing systems and investigate whether a modular solution can support researchers throughout the whole research lifecycle.” Vote and support! Deadline 30 January 2017 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop

Senior Co-design Manager Christopher Brown Senior Co-design Manager christopher.brown@jisc.ac.uk @chriscb 13/01/2017 ELN Workshop