GEO Human Planet Initiative Global geospatial data analytics for monitoring the implementation of the Agenda 2030 frameworks: Sustainable Development Goals Disaster Risk Reduction New Urban Agenda Climate Change Thomas Kemper Scientific Officer European Commission, JRC 13 May 2017, Tshwane
Human Planet Initiative Activities Support global policy processes with agreed, actionable and goal-driven metrics Global built-up information Global population density SDG: 9.1.1 Proportion of the rural population within 2 km of an all-season road 11.3.1 Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate Sendai DRR: Priority 1: Understanding Risk Goal 7: Increase the availability of disaster risk information New Urban Agenda Voluntary Commitment of EU, OECD and WB for global definition of cities and settlements
Challenges Building links and trust with the national statistical organisations Testing the Degree of Urbanisation with NSO’s: South Africa, Morocco, Brazil, USA, Uganda, Jordan Supporting the work on the pilot indicators selected by the IAEG SDG WG GI Supporting custodian agencies Discussions in expert groups dominated by hidden agendas
Thanks ) Hosted by the University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 13-15 September 2017 Thanks Thomas Kemper EC JRC scientific officer