IC = Initial Contact LR = Loading Response MSt = Mid Stance TSt = Terminal Stance PSw = Pre Swing ISw = Initial Swing MSw = Mid Swing TSw = Terminal Swing Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Weight Acceptance Initial Contact: The moment when the foot touches the floor Critical event: heel strike Hip: 25° extensors Knee: 0-5° quadriceps Ankle: 0° pretibials D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Critical event: hip, knee stability drop foot Hip: 25° Knee: 15° Weight Acceptance Loading Reponse: Double stance: from Initial Contact till Initial Swing of the other leg Critical event: hip, knee stability drop foot Hip: 25° Extensors & abduc. Knee: 15° quadriceps Ankle: 10° plantar pretibials D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Critical event: Controlled tibial advancement Hip: 0° Knee: 0° Single limb support Mid-Stance Start as the other foot is lifted and continues until body weight is align over the forefoot Critical event: Controlled tibial advancement Hip: 0° abductors Knee: 0° quadriceps Ankle: 5° dorsiflex triceps D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Hip: 20° Knee: 0-5° Ankle: 10° Critical event: foot rocking heel rise Single limb support Terminal Stance From heel rise till the other foot strikes the floor (IC) Critical event: foot rocking heel rise knee control Hip: 20° Knee: 0-5° Ankle: 10° Calf D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
knee flexion till 40° Hip: 10° ext Knee: 40° Ankle: 15° Limb Advancement Pre-Swing Second double limb support: from Initial Contact of the other leg till ipsilateral toe-off Critical event: knee flexion till 40° plantar flexion Hip: 10° ext Adductor longus Knee: 40° Rectus femoris Ankle: 15° Post-tibials D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Critical event: hip flexion till 15° knee till 60° Hip: 15° flex Limb Advancement Initial Swing One-third of the swing: From toe-off till the swinging foot is opposite the stance foot Critical event: hip flexion till 15° knee till 60° Hip: 15° flex flexors Knee: 60° Ankle: 10° plantar pretibials D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Critical event: hip flexion till 25° ankle in 0° Hip: 25° Knee: 25° Limb Advancement Mid Swing From swinging limb opposite the stance limb till the tibia is vertical Critical event: hip flexion till 25° ankle in 0° Hip: 25° In. Flexors, hamstrings Knee: 25° Biceps femoris Ankle: 0° pretibials D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
knee extension 0° Hip: 25° Knee: 0-5° Ankle: 0° Critical event: Limb Advancement Terminal Swing From vertical Tibia till Initial Contact Critical event: knee extension 0° Hip: 25° hamstrings Knee: 0-5° quadriceps Ankle: 0° pretibials D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Pelvis drop till Terminal Swing D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Lateral motion of the Center of gravity during the gait cycle D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers
Rocking.. D. Beckers Ganganalyse: Beckers & Deckers