Anatomy Wokrshop 2011. 5. 21 분당서울대학교병원 정형외과 성기혁
Rectus femoris muscle
Origin : 1. AIIS 2. superior rim of acetabulum Insertion : patella, tibial tubercle Action : 1. hip flexion 2. knee extension
Innervation: femoral N.
Triceps surae
Gastrocnemius Origin : Lateral and medial femoral condyle Insertion : Calcaneus ( via Achilles tendon) Action : Knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion
Soleus Origin : 1. Posterior fibula head 2. Soleal line of tibia Insertion : Calcaneus( via Achilles tendon) Action : ankle plantar flexion
Innervation: tibial N.
Thank you !!