Florida’s Disaster Management
Florida 1851-2001
Division of Emergency Management Mission Statement Ensure that Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them and mitigate their impact.
Mass Migration Thunderstorms Fire Lightning HAZMAT Hurricane Tornado Flood Bio-Terrorism
Florida Statute Chapter 252 State Emergency Management Act
SERT Activation Levels Level 3: Monitoring Level 2: Partial Activation of SERT Level 1: Full-Scale Activation
State Emergency Response Team Made up of state, local, volunteer agencies, and the private sector Grouped by emergency function 17 emergency support functions (ESF) Emergency Coordinating Officers (ECO)
Emergency Support Functions ESF 1 Transportation ESF 2 Communications ESF 3 Public Works and Engineering ESF 4 Firefighting ESF 5 Information and Planning ESF 6 Mass Care
Emergency Support Functions ESF 7 Resource Support ESF 8 Health ESF 9 Search and Rescue ESF 10 Hazardous Materials ESF 11 Food & Water ESF 12 Energy
Emergency Support Functions ESF 13 Military Support ESF 14 Public Information ESF 15 Volunteers & Donations ESF 16 Law Enforcement ESF 17 Animal Protection & Agriculture
Emergency Management Operational Philosophy
The Rules Meet the needs of the disaster victims Take care of the Responders See Rule One
The Choices Cost Effective Mistake Free Fast Pick One
Semper Gumby! (Always Flexible!)
One Plan, One Team, Many Threats Emergency Management One Plan, One Team, Many Threats www.floridadisaster.org