Organic manures as a component of INM in Mango Organic manures are important for maintaining soil health by enhancing the biological cycles and improving yield and quality of mango fruits. It is advisable to apply 1/3rd required quantity of nutrients through organic manure and rest thorough inorganic fertilizers for getting maximum return without damaging soil health. Manuring in mango plant should be starts right from planting operation in the orchard. Well decomposed organic manure can be given each year to create proper soil physical environment and to avoid the infestation of harmful pests like termite.
Therefore, knowledge of source, time and methods of organic manures is very important for getting maximum benefit of organic manure in mango. Hence in this RLO you will learn the sources and nutrients content in different organic manure and time and methods of application.
Objective After completing this lesson, you will be able to : Explain the different sources, doses, time and methods of application of organic manure in mango.
Organic manure (kg/tree) Doses of organic manure Age of the plant (year) Organic manure (kg/tree) 1 10.00 2 3 15.00 4 20.00 5 25.00 6 30.00 7 35.00 10 50.00
Time of application At time of planting : Pit should be filled with 20 kg FYM + 5 kg vermi compost with top soil. In bearing and non bearing orchards, apply full quantity of organic manures in October with last irrigation.
Application method In addition to source of nutrients, time of application and doses, the method of manure application is also important in nutrient management. Organic manure like FYM, vermi compost, Nadep etc must be equally distributed on the root zone area from 30 cm tree trunk to drip line in mango trees.
Application method After broad casting, organic manure should be incorporated thoroughly to the soil by cultivating the top soil. Care should be taken not to damage the roots. After manure application, trees must be irrigated immediately. Click
Source and nutrient content in different manures P K Ca Mg S Cattle 1.5 1.2 1.1 0.3 Poultry Broiler litter Hen-litter 3.0 1.8 2.8 2.0 1.4 0.4 Sheep manure 0.6 0.2 Sewage sludge 5.0 6.0 0.5 1.0
General suggestions Depending upon the soil conditions, availability of the forms and source, organic manure should be decided. For full growing mango trees, application of 40 kg FYM and 250 g culture of azosprillum should be applied just after harvesting.