Halloween By: Cathy
Why Do People Celebrate Halloween Before, People Celebrated Halloween because they believed that the spirit of the dead will visit the Earth on Halloween. Now, In America, pumpkins were more common. So people began using them as lanterns. That is why you see Jack’ o lanterns today.
Where Does Halloween Happened It Celebrate in different It Celebrate in Different country . In North America, South America, Japan’s Tokyo at the fall and Europ.
When Does Halloween Happend We Celebrate Halloween every year on october31st In North America and other part’s of the world. All Saints Day is the day after Halloween.
What Does Halloween Looks Like It looks scary because people decorate their home and outside with scary things. Inside their home they decorate it with tasty food, fun games and scary things so When people came to their house you can play and eat.
What Food To Eat On Halloween On Halloween people play and eat different food like cake, candy by trick or treat, pumpkins or cookies.
What Special Clothes Do People wear in Halloween People dress up like ghost, witch, witch’s cat or fairy and mummy. If they dress up like that and take candy to trick or treat it will be fun.
References Used https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fr/a/aa/halloween-commerce.png/ https://image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-server/v1/compositions/108341060/views/1,width=300,height=300,appearanceId=2,version=1472103037/cute-happy-ghost-smiling-happily-kids-shirts-kids-premium-t-shirt. http://www.northbendne.org/images/Screen%20Shot%202015-10-12%20at%208.48.34%20AM.png Miguel Lopez, Halloween History for kids