General Instructions: Upon Completion You Must Delete All Red Text, and This page. General Instructions: PowerPoint should be done on a Windows computers, as we do not have Macs at school. No project boards will be accepted unless you are a classroom winner competing in campus level. Final PowerPoint is due Sept. 29, 2017. It is turned in by saving to the SERVER at Puentes. Library has many computers available at varying times. Teacher has at least three available at lunch, before school and after school. Can be emailed to or can be saved to a thumb drive, then transferred at school. DO NOT add effects, graphics, videos, transitions, delays, clipart, google or other internet pictures, etc. You may change design style and color, and font type and color only. Size of font must remain LARGE, in most cases around 72 for slide name and 48 for content, depending on font type (In other words, large enough to be seen in presentation).
Replace with First and Last Name Period ___ 6th Grade 2017 - 2018 Science Project SSG. Manuel R. Puentes Middle School (This is the name page only. No titles here.)
Title: (Should be creative or catchy; the first letter of each word is capitalized.)
Problem (In the form of a question; include a question mark.)
Hypothesis I predict that (This is where you write what you had predicted might happen.)
Materials (List the materials used in bulleted form.)
Procedures (List the steps you took for the project. Do not copy/paste from the internet. Steps should be brief. Paraphrase and put in first person. Example: 1. I filled the 3 cups with 100 ML of water. Do NOT start with 1. “Gather your materials”.)
Variables Independent Variable Dependent Variable (Independent Variable: What did you set up at the beginning of the project to test? You must have 2 or more independent variables. Dependent Variable: What changes did you observe and measure during the time of the project?)
Photographs (This is the only page that you may include photos; PHOTOS SHOULD BE OF STUDENT DOING THE PROJECT. Student should be visible. Photos are required. Photos can be emailed from a cell phone to your email or to Mrs. Gallegos.)
Results (Options: results can be in paragraph form describing results; can be in a table or chart form; but not a graph until next slide)
Graph (example) (See example; all students should have some kind of measurement or scale to create a graph from the results of the variables tested; if assistance is needed, student must draw out the graph, then seek assistance with the teacher to create the electronic one.)
Conclusion Real World Connection (Write about what you learned based on the data you collected; i.e.. which one is better? why we should use that one? etc.) (Write about why this project and/ or your conclusion is important in real life.)
Resources (all students must have TWO OR MORE resources; it is not necessary to use MLA/APA format; websites or book names are fine. Do not put google, pinterest, youtube or any other search engine as your website. Be more specific.)
Category? What category does your project seem to fit in? ___________
Notice If my project includes: Humans Vertebrate Animals Chemicals Microorganisms rDNA Tissues I understand that it requires additional forms that are my responsibility to request and complete if I want to be considered for district competition. Did your project include any of these? If so which one? _____________________
All red instruction text, sample graph and this page must be deleted prior to presentation. Presentations are the first week back from intersession.