Lesson 9: Citing References
RECAP TALKIE TIME: Research Experiments
Competencies review the APA format in citing references (Addendum) 2. selects, cites and synthesizes properly related literature (CG)
Group Activity: What do you remember about citing references Group Activity: What do you remember about citing references? What are the common elements in citing references?
As in-text citations within the text of the paper Sources used to write a paper are acknowledged in two different places within the paper: As in-text citations within the text of the paper In the Works Cited page at the end of the paper .
Comparing References At the end of each research paper, a section must be devoted to listing the information for each resource that you used in the paper. This includes all resources that you quoted, paraphrased, or mentioned.
APA: Johnson, T. (2003). Studies in college. New York, NY: BOOKS Examples APA: Johnson, T. (2003). Studies in college. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Template APA: Lastname, First Initial. (Year). Title of work. City of Pub, State: Publisher.
Books (cont.) Template APA: Lastname, First Initial. (Year). Title of work. City of Pub, State: Publisher. Board Work: medium: book Author: Bryant Acar Title: Experimental Research Year of Pub: 2017 City of Pub: Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Publisher: Atom & Neuron Publishing Hub
Template APA: Lastname, First Initial. (Year). Title of work. City of Pub, State: Publisher. Answer: APA: Acar, B. (2016). Experimental research. Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu: Atom & Neuron Publishing Hub.2017.
JOURNALS Examples APA: Smith, L. (2007). Students in danger. New England Journal of Student Progress, 7(2), 142-154. Template APA: Lastname, First Initial. (Year). Title of work. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page numbers.
Title: True Experimental Design Issue: 1 Template APA: Lastname, First Initial. (Year). Title of work. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page numbers. Seatwork Author: Bryant Acar Volume: 4 Pages: 164-184 Title: True Experimental Design Issue: 1 Journal: Experimental Research Year: 2017
Acar, B. (2017). True experimental design. Experimental Template APA: Lastname, First Initial. (Year). Title of work. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page numbers. ANSWERS Acar, B. (2017). True experimental design. Experimental Research , 4 (1),164-184.
APA: Department of Enrollment Management. (2013,October). Fall Term Template ON-LINE SOURCES APA: Author. (Year, Month[use n.d. if not given]). Article or page sub-title. Major Publication Title, volume or issue number (if available). Retrieved from http://url. Examples: . APA: Department of Enrollment Management. (2013,October). Fall Term Comparison. Enrollment Management 2013 Reports, Vol 5. Retrieved from http://prtl.uhcl.edu/portal/page/portal. /.
1. http://www.quantiresearch.qqq. 2. Centers for Research. - Author Template APA: Author. (Year, Month[use n.d. if not given]). Article or page sub-title. Major Publication Title, volume or issue number (if available). Retrieved from http://url. Seatwork: 1. http://www.quantiresearch.qqq. 2. Centers for Research. - Author 3. Title: Action Research, sub title: Importance of AR 4. accessed: June 19, 2014. 5. Web, created: Oct. 27, 2013. 7. Vol 5 6. Sponsor: Research Web Group
Template APA: Author. (Year, Month[use n.d. if not given]). Article or page sub-title. Major Publication Title, volume or issue number (if available). Retrieved from http://url. ANSWER APA: Center for Research. (2013, October). Importance of AR. Action Research. Vol. 5. Retrieved from http://www.quantiresearch.qqq.
Computer based citation
Things to consider in writing the review of related literature 1 Things to consider in writing the review of related literature 1. The review is a way of making a sensible story as background of your study (intro, body, ending) recall you academic writing lesson 2. The sequence of the write up should be logical and follows: 2.1 variables in the sub problems 2.2 General to specific (international-local) 2.3. The profile of the subjects/specimens for experimental should be mentioned first 3. Minimum of 10 pages; double space; verdana 4. Parenthetical citation style – paraphrasing (recommended) 5. APA referencing format 6. Example
Groupings based on Assignment last meeting: Making a REVIEW (search for a related materials) Minimum Required Citations & References Review the materials and start enlisting the sequence of the materials Make an outline of the order of citation and review Cite references in APA Make a powerpoint presentation and get ready to present next meeting Submit 1 hard copy for rating Refer to rubrics
RUBRICS Indicators Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Fair 2 Poor 1 Weight 1. Uses correct citation Format (Paraphrasing) X 5 2. The sequence of the review or literature is based on logical order, variables or inductive method (intro, body & ending) 3. The content of the review is substantial following the required number of references X5 4. Uses correct referencing format APA Total 100