WP4 – Plans for next 6 months


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Presentation transcript:

WP4 – Plans for next 6 months (As submitted to OsC – 31/10/12)

Milestones & Deliverables WP4 (Tracker-Mechanics) Milestones and Deliverables (September 2012) Milestone Description Is a Deliverable? Date Status Affected by international partners? Part of critical path? Notes (Dependencies/Influences) Original Target Actual M4.1 Evaluation of titanium tube completed. No Dec-10   Jan-11 Complete Done. Stavelet with 1/8” titanium tubes constructed. Welding issues identified. M4.2 Prototype (stavelet) test/shipping container evaluated. Dec-11 Prototype stavelet frame manufactured & validated in module mounting system. Insertion trials in progress M4.3 Functional prototype of full-scale module mounting system. Nov-11 Jul-12 Sep-12 All components ready. On emodule mounting station fully developed, remaining three awaiting modifications. System integration complete. Software development ongoing. M4.4 Final stave core selected and prototyped. May-12 Dec-12 In progress Yes New tooling designed & commissioned. Cooling loops becoming available but final objects with 2.2mm tubes still need manufacture & test. M4.5 Bending and orbital welding of 2.2mm OD titanium tubes demonstrated Done. Tube bending OK. Initial welding studies completed with reasonable success. Process optimisation continuing. Prototype tubes will be supplied to stave (and stavelet) assembly task. M4.6 Define Production Frame Feb-12 Done. New design is compatible with current locking points. M4.7 Full set of measured material’s properties Apr-12 Done. PhD thesis submitted. M4.8 Evaluation of titanium tube, specification and plan for mass production Evaluation completed & specifications defined. Final prototyping batch of tube on order. M4.9 Delivery of 1st core for 130nm ASICs On track. FEA for thermal design. ATLAS-wide initiative formal specifications & interfaces just starting. Possible delay due to change in number of modules from 12 to 13. M4.10 Delivery of core for 130nm electrical stave Mar-13 See above. NB Modules will be late M4.11 Full-sized module mounting system complete Jun-12 System development on hold during assembly of stave 250 (Oct-Dec 2012). Development of software & system automation (Jan-Mar 2013) M4.12 Full-scale test/shipping system with tooling Stave insertion demonetration passed OK. Coupling to final stave design understood. M4.13 Feasibility of strawman v14 service layout Done. End-plate mock-up and prototype services module complete & mounted. In-situ orbital welding demonstrated. Optimisation of services layout beginning.

Materials Report Plan for Next 6 Months Since the last report the main activity in materials studies has been to re-visit the testing of non-irradiated and irradiated carbon-fibre/honeycomb sandwich test coupons. In particular, studies of the relative performance of different samples using variations in honeycomb material and adhesive type, quantity and application technique have been made and presented at a recent international meeting. Plan for Next 6 Months Investigate Hysol9309.3 (as recommended by LBNL) for facesheet to honeycomb gluing Investigate thinner stencils Manufacture & test of tokens with 45gsm facesheets Measurement of adhesion of co-cured tapes to CF facesheets

Cooling Report Plan for Next 6 Months Work on demonstrating the reliability of both 316L stainless steel and CP2 titanium has been completed with over 1,000 successful welds being completed for each material. The procurement of a further batch of titanium tube for stave structures, together with material for capillary tubing has been launched. An initiative to develop a laser tube cutting/welding system, suitable for use during the sub-system integration phase, has been launched with a UK industrial partner. Plan for Next 6 Months Development of pipe bending jigs for 13-module stave for 130nm ASICs Development of pre-production cooling circuit test system Further measurements to characterise welding system performance

Stave Core Assembly Report Plan for Next 6 Months Since the last report a dummy stave has been manufactured using the new carbon-fibre jig with good results. All the parts to construct a full stave are now ready and stave core assembly is anticipated to start imminently. The prototype sector, representative of the geometry of the innermost barrel layer, has been fully populated with three rows of mounting brackets and the safe insertion of staves has been demonstrated with three dummy staves. This work constitutes a major step in the development of the UK-proposed ‘single-edge’ stave mounting and work is in progress to enable a locking-point review early in 2013. Plan for Next 6 Months Re-work SP2 stavelet for new tape (Liverpool) Manufacture stavelet for ABCN130 (Allcomp foam, 2.275mm titanium tubes, 45gsm pre-preg) – M4.9 Manufacture 2 full staves to current UK 250nm design including locking points, etc.. Continue with ESPI studies Manufacture 1 full stave with ABCN130-compatible core (M4.10) and populate with 24 thermo-mechanical modules; test, thermal cycle, deformations.

Module Mounting Report Plan for Next 6 Months A fully-functional module mounting system, capable of mounting modules on full-sized staves has been completed. Module-mounting trials are in progress to ensure the system ready for the mounting of modules onto the 12-module ‘Stave250’, scheduled for autumn 2012. A system for adapting the secondary granite table to allow the development a duplicate system at Liverpool have been designed and procurement is in progress. Plan for Next 6 Months Prepare system for mounting modules onto Stave250 (RAL) Develop system software (RAL) Complete adaption of 2nd granite block to CMM (Liverpool) Demonstrate 2nd system capability (Liverpool)

Test & Shipping Report Plan for Next 6 Months As part of the stave insertion prototyping activity, a dummy stave handling frame was designed, manufactured and installed on the sector prototype. The successful demonstration of stave insertion with the single edge mounting formally signs-off the ‘integration’ aspect of the stave handling frame. Attention will now move to the final design of the frame, incorporating all the ancillary features needed during stave assembly and testing. Plan for Next 6 Months Complete adaption of prototype stave handling jig to sector prototype Definition and design for ABCN130 stave shipping container Development of production plan for shipping containers

Integration Report Plan for Next 6 Months We have begun to devote effort to develop a better understanding of the interplay between staves and the global support structures (eg cylinders) via the stave mounting points, end fixations and external services. In addition to making progress the global tracker material optimisation, this work will also be critical to pinning down the final stave mechanical design. To date we have undertaken a first pass evaluation of alternative global support concepts and are now, with the agreement of TUMM, putting TD engineering resources into developing FEA models of support cylinders. Plan for Next 6 Months Complete stave insertion prototyping including mechanism to rotate prototype sector & verify proper stave insertion Development of end-of-stave region layout Determination of spatial envelope and preliminary engineering design & prototyping of cylinder-to-cylinder interlinks Completion of services-module design and detailed sub-component drawings; prototype manufacture of key components

WP4 – April 2013 on New WP4 ≈ Old WP4 As-bid Resources The main focus of activity (building & qualifying stave cores, module mounting, test & shipping) remains Becomes more ‘Production Oriented’ (4.5 & 4.6) ‘Integration’ task becomes its own work-package Bus tape development returns to WP4 (4.1) Groups: Lancaster, Liverpool, Oxford, PPD, Sheffield, TD & QMUL (no Glasgow!) As-bid Resources Task ID Task Description Ac AP E T Total 4 Management 0.30 0.60 4.1 Tapes 0.05 3.75 3.43 7.53 4.2 Core Assembly 0.90 2.85 10.29 17.79 4.3 Module Mounting 0.00 2.00 1.60 4.20 7.80 4.4 Test & Shipping 0.38 1.65 1.20 4.13 4.5 Production Preparation 0.70 2.30 4.15 7.75 4.6 QA 1.50 2.90 1.59 7.19 Totals   3.78 8.20 15.95 24.86 52.79

PPRP Process Bid submitted PPRP feedback Request to limit NM to 60%, 50%, 40% of original bid – 40% represents level at which defined programme is not viable PPRP Visiting Panel (Manchester) Request to limit NM to 34% of bid – need to change programme – 3 options evaluated (financially not technically) Strips/No pixels Pixels / No Strips Modules / Minimal mechanics WP4 non-existent / severely curtailed in B&C Document approved by ATLAS-UK CB & submitted to PPRP PPRP Visiting Panel Follow-up (Swindon) Follow-up meeting for PPRP to understand ATLAS-UK input to implementing NM limits PPRP recommendation to SB