Outline for today’s class Relative effectiveness discussion paper Negotiation theory & practice Why states take the positions they do. Role of NGOs in international environmental treaties
Treaty 1 – overarching thoughts Good strategy: look at analysis of similar treaty in chapters in any of the many books I have put on reserve in the library for the course. Imitate that analysis. Polar bears: use 1973 treaty and research question is WHICH countries were influenced – some were and some weren’t and want to use evidence to make convincing claim about which.
Start at minute 19:10
Negotiation Theory Sprinz and Vaahtoranta Betsill and Corell show: Positions states take in negotiations (the DV) are determined by two IVs: the costs states face to take action to protect the environment (abatement costs) and the benefits they receive if the environment is protected (ecological vulnerability) Betsill and Corell show: Need to clarify research question – WHAT is influence? Evidence of NGO influence Use of process tracing AND counterfactuals Building on work of prior others
Why States Take Positions They Do in Int’l Negotiations Ecological Yes Vulnerability No Low Abatement Pusher Bystander Costs High Intermediate Dragger Sprinz and Vaahtoranta, 1994.
NGO influence in negotiations (Betsill and Corell, 2007) Distinction of power vs. influence Power as resources vs. power as influence over outcomes Definition of NGO influence based in counterfactuals “Influence occurs when one actor intentionally communicates to another so as to alter the latter’s behavior from what would have occurred otherwise" (Betsill and Corell, 2007, 31).
NGO elements Activities Access Resources: financial; informational Focus of NGOs on process or outcome Notice elements of process tracing
Potential influences of NGOs Agenda setting -- what gets talked about; drawing attention to an issue. Issue framing -- how it gets talked about: biosafety can be framed as health or trade issue (B&C, 36) Positions of key states Procedural issues -- how decisions to be made in the future Substantive issues -- actual decisions in the agreement text
Factors that condition NGO influence NGO coordination Rules of access, Stage of the negotiations Political stakes Institutional overlap Competition from other NGOs Alliances with key states Level of contention (B&C, 2007, ch. 2).
Why do negotiations succeed? Type of problem Structural and contextual factors Concern about the issue and costs Scientific influence Actors involved Institutional design factors