Grains What nutrients are in grains?? How to buy and store grain products?? What are grains and parts of the kernel?? How to bake products!!
2. A shiny object in the sky + CH?? Figure these “GRAIN TEASERS” out: 1. A locomotive – T + G?? Answer: Grain 2. A shiny object in the sky + CH?? Answer: Starch 3. Something you drive on the road + opposite of girl – y + a word meaning to add water?? Answer: Carbohydrate 4. Opposite of the beginning – D + a word meaning to have a lot of money?? Answer: Enrich
FACT: Did u know grains are referred to as the STAFF of LIFE Grains are the STAFF of LIFE because of their availability around the world. Grains are a staple in most diets!!
History of Grains Research shows that some humans were eating starchy, cereal based snacks as early as 105,000 years ago Throughout the years, humans have learned how to plant, process, and store grains. Grains are referred to as The Staff of Life; because of their availability around the world Grains are sent to other countries when they are having world health problems such as drought, floods, etc. because they are cheap, healthy and easy to store
Parts of the Grain Kernel Bran: Coarse outer layer: High in Fiber, B-vit. & minerals Endosperm: The starchy, inner portion: High in starch and Carbohydrates Germ:The small seed of the plant: High in Minerals, iron, vit. B
What is a Serving: Bread: 1 slice=1 serving Large Bagel: 1 whole=2 servings Tortilla: 1 small=1 serving Popped popcorn (plain): 3 cups=1 serving Crackers: 5=1 serving
Terms to Know about Grain: Enrich: To replace nutrients that are lost during the processing of the grain Fortify: To add extra nutrients to a product Example: Cereal, Bread Whole Grain: A grain product that uses the entire kernel and brown in color Refined Grain: A product where mainly the endosperm is used and only a portion of bran and germ—white in
Nutrition Value of Grains: Benefits: Whole grains will reduce your risk of death from all causes by 15% Full of carbs, vitamins, minerals Have phytochemicals-natural chemicals in food with a healing affect High in B vit. Reduce the risk of heart attack high blood pressure Nutrients: Carbohydrates: Excellent source—complex and simple Fiber: Non-digestible complex CHO to help the digestive tract and offers protection from heart disease Low-fat: Grains naturally have little fat B-Vit and Iron: Grains may be fortifies with b-vit. And minerals