Phrenology: Gall believed that there was a relationship between the size and shape of the skull and mental faculties and character. Phrenology was based on head reading and character analyses as well as looking at the interactions between the faculties of the brain. Most phrenologists would run their bare finger tips over a head to distinguish any elevations or indentations. Gall thought they should use their palms when doing the readings. Gall believed the bumps on the skull represented specific personality characteristics
Gall's idea of phrenology was based on several concepts: - the brain is the organ of the mind - the brain is a collection of organs representing the characteristics of the person - these functions are located in specific parts of the brain - the size of each organ is representative of its power - the shape and size of the skull relate to the shape and size of the underlying organs and is representative of the individual's mental faculties.
Mark down on your sheet where your most prominent bumps are Get someone else to do this – but don’t show them what you wrote!
If a study measure or examine what it claims to measure or examine Validity If a study measure or examine what it claims to measure or examine Internal: How accurate are the results? Internal validity : Does the study measure what it sets out to measure or could other extraneous variables have affect the results Face validity: The extent to which a measure appears to measure what it sets out to measure Concurrent: when a test correlates with a measure that has been previously been validated Criterion: Concurrent and predictive validity External: Can the findings be generalised beyond the present study? Population validity – to extent to which the findings can be generalised to other people Ecological validity – to extent to which the study reflect those of real life situations
There are different types of reliability How consistent a study or measuring device is. Will it produce similar results if used again in similar circumstances Internal How consistent a measure is within itself Assessed by - Inter-rater reliability - Split - half External How much a measures varies from one user to another - Test - retest
Loftus and Palmer is (high/low) in internal validity because… Loftus and Palmer is (high/low) in internal validity because….. Shopping behaviour was measured by observing how many items shoppers in Tesco have in their basket. This is (high/low) in construct validity because…… Baron-Cohen is (high/low) in concurrent validity because…
1. What can we do to increase the internal reliability of a study? 2. What would be the purpose of a psychologist replicating research? 3. Describe what is meant by ’inter-rater’ reliability: 4. How can we improve inter-rater reliability? 5. What can a psychologist do to test the spit half reliability of a self-report? 6. How can we check the reliability of a test such as an IQ or personality test? 7. Describe how we would improve face validity: 8. Describe what is meant by ecological validity 9. How is content validity assessed? 10. How do we know if a new test has concurrent validity? 11. What would we have to do to be able to generalise the findings of our research to other population groups? 12. What is meant by internal validity? 13. How can we ensure the internal validity of a study is high? Apply your answer to experiments, self-reports and observations. 14. Why is it a problem if a study lacks ecological validity? 15. Name a research method that may lack ecological validity and describe why, then name a research that has high ecological validity and describe why.