Higher History Migration and Empire.


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Presentation transcript:

Higher History Migration and Empire

Migration Within Scotland Issue - Migration Within Scotland

I can describe the migration of Scots within Scotland. I can explain why Scots moved within Scotland.

Mark the following features on your map; Read Source 1 Task 1 In your own words, 
explain the difference 
between migration and 
emigration. Task 2 Mark the following 
features on your map; Highlands, Lowlands, 
Edinburgh, Glasgow, 
Aberdeen, Dundee, Skye, 

Write down what you already know about the Highland Clearances. Source 2 Task 3 What does Source 2 tell us about what was happening to the 
Scottish population? Task 4 Write down what you already know about the Highland 

Watch History of Scotland.mp4 http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zfhhfg8 Read Source 3, Source 4 11-16 58-59 39-42 Task 5 Take notes on the factors which forced people to leave the 
Highlands between 1830 and 1939.

Read Source 4 Task 6 Find two pieces of evidence in the source which show that many 
people left the Highlands between 1830 and 1930. Find two pieces of evidence in the source that show that the 
Highland Clearances were not the main cause of migration between 
1830 and 1930. Extension Read Extension Article 1 and summarise the main arguments that 
Professor Devine makes.

Listen Hush Hush Task 7 Annotate the lyrics to show how the song relates to the Highland 
Clearances. You should mention the mood of the song, it's purpose and 
expand on any details contained within the song that you 
have background knowledge of.

Read 17- 18 57 Task 8 Explain why many people were forced to leave the countryside in 
the Lowlands.

Read Source 6 19 Watch http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/4357.html Task 9 Complete the spider diagram to show the different pull factors 
which encouraged Scots to move to cities such as Edinburgh and 

Read 18 - Source 2.12 59 Task 10 Why did the growth of the rail network contribute to migration 
within Scotland?

Step 1) Highlight 3 relevant points from the source. The 'how fully' question Time = 25 minutes Step 1) Highlight 3 relevant points from the source. Step 2) 'The source provides a partial explanation of....' Step 3) The source states '.......', which means that... (x3) Step 4) 'However the source fails to mention several factors.' Step 5) Provide 7 points of detailed recall that are relevant 
  to the question. Key = You must use information to refer back to the question. 
Why exactly did each factor force/encourage Scots to 

Swap your answer with a partner. Mark the answer in front of you. If the point does not 
refer back to the question or does not provide detail, 
it cannot be awarded a mark. Points from the source = maximum of 3 Points from recall = maximum of 7

Success Criteria I can describe 10 factors that contributed to the migration of 
Scots between 1830 and 1930. I can explain how to accurately set out an answer to a 'how fully' 

Attachments History of Scotland.mp4