TUSB322I cable issue. USB2.0 with Type-C connector Our product uses the TUSB322I. We are not using it to its full potential right now as I could probably just get by with 5.1k pull down resistors on the CC lines but wanted to easier upgrade path for the future. We are only using USB 2.0 as a UFP. I have been testing with this cable https://www.digikey.com/products/en?keywords=WM12853-ND%20and have not experienced any problems. Someone then bought this cable http://www.belkin.com/us/p/P-F2CU032/ and we get this weird error. We plug the cable in at both ends and it works. If we keep it plugged into the computer and unplug from our device everything is still ok. However, if we keep it plugged into our device and unplug from the computer the TUSB chip goes “crazy” and our device freezes up and need to reboot. To define “crazy”, the TUSB322 CC lines start oscillating with a PWM signal. The PWM and freezing could be two separate issues. Right now I am not sending I2C configuration commands and was leaving it set at the default. I also tried sending commands to set it in UFP mode only but the same thing happens. Is this normal behavior or know why this happens?
TUSB322I cable issue. USB2.0 with Type-C connector
TUSB322I cable issue. USB2.0 with Type-C connector