W.H.Y. Campaign - We Hear You: Improving Mental Health in College Freshman JULIE NOVARIO, ABBEY DAY, JESS LOCKHART, EMILY EICHHORN MENTOR: Mrs. Cindy Widuck MPH Kent State University Mission Statement: Improving mental health in college freshman Problem Statement: Depression and anxiety in college freshman is growing quickly from 10 to 15 percent in the 1980’s to 33 to 40 percent today Many people let their mental health fall back on their list of priorities In college especially many students develop poor mental health and mental illnesses Knowing where to go, who to talk to, and to remind yourself that everyone is going through this is important A good mental health state can create better grades, stronger relationships, and a healthier lifestyle Assessment: The purpose of the assessment is to learn and evaluate the Kent State University student population to conclude why mental illnesses, like anxiety and depression, are at high rates around 40% in students. Epidemiological Evidence: Suicide is the third leading cause of death on college campuses Stigma is the number one reasons students do not seek help One fourth of students in college have a mental illness Risk factors of depression and anxiety in college: traumatic or stressful events, lower socioeconomic status, abuse of alcohol and drugs, family history of mental illness, isolation, pressure to succeed, adapting to a new environment away from home The mental health services provided on the Kent State University campus are very limited and disconnected. On-campus services: University Health Services, Psychological Services DeWeese Health Center 2nd Floor (psychiatrist) Counseling and Human Development Center White Hall Room 325 Psychological Clinic Kent Hall Room 176 Off-campus services: Coleman Professional Services 24/7 Crisis Help Line Townhall II - Counseling Intervention: The mission statement of the W.H.Y. Campaign is to improve mental health in college freshman. Through multimedia outreach and education, we plan on addressing this issue. The W.H.Y campaign will have a video of people from organizations across Kent State sharing their stories to show that Depression and Anxiety are not something to be ashamed of and that no one is alone. We plan on educating through FYE courses and residence halls where we can reach out to smaller groups at a time for a more personal experience. Our education efforts are not only meant to show that you are not alone, but also provide awareness and resources to those who did not know any were available. Outcomes: By eliminating the stigma attached to mental health we hope more people will seek treatment through our multimedia outreach program, education through small groups, and a video. With 1 and 4 students having a mental illness we want to educate people and let them know that they are not alone and have somewhere to they can get help. By helping students with their problems, and showing them that they are not alone we plan on improving the general health of the freshmen population. The DeWeese Health Center on campus is the only location on campus with a psychiatrist. With an estimate of one in four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have a diagnosable mental illness, one psychiatrist is not enough to support Kent State University students. With the results from our assessment, we concluded that our intervention should use best practices of educating in small groups to reduce stigma and connect students to services. Sources: Mental Health By the Numbers. (2016). Retrieved November 10, 2016, from , Mayo Clinic Staff. (6 July, 2016). Depression: Risk Factors. - the Numbers Count: Mental Disorders in America | Signet Health. (2013). Retrieved November 20, 2016, from http://www.signethealth.com/mental-health-news/the-numbers-count-mental-disorders-in-america Holterman, A. (2016, August 25). Mental Health Problems for College Students Are Increasing. Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health-news/mental-health-problems-for-college-students-are-increasing-071715epression/basics/risk-factors/con-20032977 Thank you to the COPH and SBS for the printing of this poster