Enhancing STEM Education at Oregon State University


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Presentation transcript:

ESTEME@OSU: Enhancing STEM Education at Oregon State University Milo Koretsky, Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, Shane Brown, Tom Dick, Susie Brubaker-Cole Ann Sitomer, Kathy Quardokus Fisher, Julie Risien, Christina Smith, Nichole Pitterson, Ying Cao, and John Ivanovitch Framework and Objectives Organizational Research Course Implementation of EBIPs We share our experience of implementing a project to increase evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPS) in large, introductory-level STEM courses via inter-and intra-disciplinary communities of practice (CoPs), targeted synergy with other STEM improvement entities (including a new STEM Center), and modification of pertinent organizational structures. We consider the organization at the micro- (individual), meso- (unit), and macro-levels (institution) (Trowler et al., 2005). This multi-scale approach allows a comprehensive view of the organization and allows data to be captured that details the changes within the organization. Events 1 Center for Teaching and Learning Events Across Units CoP STEM Center Events Project Synthesis CoP on Specific Projects Conference Participation Instruction-related Data Consultation Data Sources Administrative Interviews Policy Documents Project Team Interviews Event and CoP Observations CoP Observations Administrative and Educator Interviews GTA Practices Observation Educators Survey Educator Interviews Classroom Observations Student Data Macro - Institution Meso - Department Micro - Individual Analysis based upon Theoretical Frameworks Theory of Action Design-Based Implementation Research Events Data Sources Elements of ESTEME@OSU Evidence Based Instructional Practices (EBIPS) Interactive engagement with frequent formative feedback (lecture) Cooperative learning (studio workshop) Communities of Practice (CoPs; Wenger, 1998) Design Based Implementation Research (Penuel et al., 2011) Organizational change Student gains Institutional Integration and Sustainability Activities Resources Design-Based Implementation Research EBIPS CoPs Student (and Faculty) Learning Organizational Change Achievement Learning Environ. Epistemology Micro Level Meso Level Macro Level Outcomes Impacts Units Number of Courses Enrollment Number Activities Integrative Biology 25 12,604 POGIL; Clickers; Inquiry-based laboratories; Pedagogically-trained LAs Chemistry 8,861 Pre-post assessment by topic; Flipped class Engineering 15 3,808 Concept Warehouse; Cooperative learning studio; Pedagogically trained LAs Mathematics 4 288 Clickers; Treisman Excel Studio Physics 8 3,057 Clickers; SCALE-UP studio, Flipped class, Pedagogically-trained LAs Relationships between EBIPs and the Foundation for Disciplinary Thinking Scientific Inquiry Communities of Practice (CoPs) Disciplinary thinking Mathematical Argumentation Engineering Design Faculty, Food, & Fun Studio Workshops Developing non-linear and iterative problem solving in a cooperative learning environment Foundational knowledge, skills, habits of mind Developing conceptual understanding and well connected knowledge structures utilizing interactive engagement and frequent formative feedback Lecture Title Action Plan for Organizational Change We use Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR; see above and below) as a research methodology so that events are analyzed to inform and redesign the theory of action for the particular Community of Practice, unit, and/or the organization. We conjecture that widespread change to practice will be facilitated by participation in intra- and interdisciplinary Communities of Practice (CoP). As these changes occur, data are gathered on the impact of activities and findings are shared with members of the ESTEME@OSU community. These findings are then used to initiate or catalyze further organizational change. Action Research Fellowship (ARF) Program The OSU Learning Assistant (LA) Program Elements of Design-Based Implementation Research (from Penuel et al., 2011, p. 332) A focus on persistent problems of practice from from multiple stakeholders’ perspective A commitment to iterative, collaborative design A concern with developing theory related to both classroom learning and implementation through systemic inquiry A concern with developing capacity for sustaining change in systems ESTEME@OSU (Project Conclusion) This is adapted from ASEE poster 2016 v9. Changes planned to make: First and third columns not change. Column 2, replace the table with Table 2 in ASEE Year 2 report (2016), add winter 2016 #s? Remove CoP. Remove middle image. Table about ARF (2016 educator engineering 5 or 10?) Table about LA (not include # of trained?) Any changes in logos? Formatting: check the guidelines. Winter 2014 (Project Starts) The ARF program supports instructors already using EBIPs in lower division science, mathematics or engineering courses to take the next step in educational innovation through action research; that is, asking and answering questions about practice and collecting evidence in their own classroom to inform practice. Acknowledgements The work represented in this poster is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No DUE 1347817. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We are grateful to the individuals who participated in the studies associated with this work and the people who supported this work with their time and help. References Beichner, R. J., Saul, J. M., Abbott, D. S., Morse, J. J., DearDorff, D. L., Allain, R. J., … , Risley, J. S. (2007). The student-centered activities for large enrollment undergraduate programs (SCALE-UP) project. Research-based reform of university physics, 1(1), 2-39. Otero, V., Pollock, S., & Finkelstein, N. (2010). A physics department’s role in preparing physics teachers: The Colorado learning assistant model. American Journal of Physics, 78(11), 1218-1224. Penuel, W. R., Fishman, B. J., Cheng, B. H., & Sabelli, N. (2011). Organizing research and development at the intersection of learning, implementation, and design. Educational Researcher, 40(7), 331-337. Trowler, P., Fanghanel, J., & Wareham, T. (2005). Freeing the chi of change: the Higher Education Academy and enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 30(4), 427-444. Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. New York: Cambridge University Press. Fellows are supported in three ways: participation in an interdisciplinary community of instructors with similar goals to apply what research tells us about learning in the classroom; partnership with a member of the ESTEME@OSU research team with expertise in education research and classroom practice to support research design, data collection and analysis; and $3,000 financial support. OSU’s LA program aims to improve education and success of all STEM students and to promote use of EBIPs. The program originated in Integrative Biology and has spread to other ESTEME@OSU units, including physics and engineering. In 2015-16, the OSU LA Program will impact between 1700-2500 STEM students per term.