Light Communications Topic Interest Group March 2017 Closing Report May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 March 2017 Light Communications Topic Interest Group March 2017 Closing Report Date: 2017-03-16 Author: Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 March 2017 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE 802.11 Light Communications Topic Interest Group closing report for the January 2017 session. Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
The LC TIG achieved its objective in the Vancouver Meeting May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 March 2017 The LC TIG achieved its objective in the Vancouver Meeting Administration Volker Jungnickel (HHI) was appointed Secretary Li Qiang (Huawei) was appointed as Technical Editor Liaison A liaison statement to different lighting industry associations was approved by the WG (doc. 17/0272r3) Extension request The TIG requests that an extension to continue working on the report until the July 2017 plenary. Content The draft report outline in doc. 17/0023r4 was improved The link budget for LC was discussed and approved doc. 17/0479r0 Parts of doc. 17/0161r4 were included in doc. 17/0023r4 The general use-cases of LC were presented in doc. 17/0497r1 and the relevant text was included in doc. 17/0023r4. Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 March 2017 The LC TIG approved the following calendar for conference calls and meeting Date Location Goal 10 Apr. 2017 Conference call Draft 1 of the Economic Viability section of doc. 17/0023r4 as well as improvements on use-cases or technical feasibility 1 May 2017 Agenda discussion and agreement for Interim Consensus of report 7 – 12 May 2017 Interim – Daejeon Final consensus and sign-off on use-cases and technical feasibility sections as well as Draft 2 of Economic Viability section of doc. 17/0023r4 12 Jun. 2017 Potentially necessary 26 Jun. 2017 8 – 13 Jul. 2017 Plenary – Berlin Final review and sign-off of TIG report on all sections WG and EC LC Study Group approval Tutorial to wider 802 on Light Communications From doc. 17/0203r1 – exact timings for the calls will be announced with 10 day notice Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)