Major Component of nulm Social Mobilization And Institution Development (SMID) Employment Through Skills Training And Placement (ESTP) Self-Employment Programme (SEP) Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV) Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) Capacity Building And Training (CBT)
MISSION OF NULM To access gainfull self employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable manner and also providing sherltter equipped with essential services to the urben poor for the reducing the povery.
Social Mobilization And Institution Development (SMID) Self Help Group Area Level Federation City Level Federation City livelihood center SHG Banklinkages
Employment through skill training and placement This component of NULM will focus on providing assistance for development / upgrading of the skilles of the urban poor to enhance their capacity for self employment and salaried employment.
Rules of ESTP Age between 18 to 35 year of the girls or boys. beauty parlour garment making Account telly and using telly I.T. And retail Computer assistant hardwear assistant
Rules of ESTP 6. B.P.O non voice (telecalling) 7. D.T.P. 8. SELS PARSAN Providing the placement after completing the cours
SELF EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME Focus on financial assistance to individuals/groups of urban poor for setting up gainful self employment ventures/micro enterprises,suited to their skills,training,aptitude and local condition. The under-employed and unemployed urban poor will be encouraged to setup small enterprises,servicing and petty business.
SELF EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME AGE-18 to 45 Project cost-2.00 lake for individual Project cost-10.00 lake for group Providing intrestsubsidy over and above 7% rate of interest.