MISSION Mission is the reason and justification for the existence of firm and explains purpose of the organisation Always defined in terms of the benefits the firm provides to its customers Always concerned with future. The mission should be so described that it remains valid for at least some years to come.
It is the unique character and purpose of the organization which identifies the scope of its activities which distinguishes it from others of this type. It indicates the nature and scope of business operations in terms of product/ services, markets, customer and technology. It provides information to insider and outsider of what the corporation stands for (nature and scope) in terms of products/services, markets, customers and technology. Purpose (direction/what it should be), image and character.
OBJECTIVES Objectives are the ends that state specifically how the goals shall be achieved. It includes all management process. It should be concrete, specific in contrast to goals that are generalized. It should be quantifiable, elaborated and expressed as operational. Once the mission and scope of a firm have been defined by the top management, the next step is to translate them into action This can be done by breaking down the business mission into smaller, workable objectives for managers down the line.
Necessity of formal objectives- It defines the organization relationship with its environment It helps in pursuing its vision & mission in long term. It provides basis for strategic decision making . It provides standard for performance appraisal.
GOALS Derived from the objectives and are intermediate time-bound targets which are necessary for the achievement of objectives Goals are time-bound and work-oriented
STRATEGY The specific path of action chosen by a firm to achieve its objectives is termed as Strategy.
COMPONENTS OF STRATEGY A product/market scope: The specific products and markets in which a firm operates and which define its limits of activity. Growth Factor: The changes the firm plans to make in its product/market scope for ensuring its future growth. MKT CURRENT NEW PDT CURRENT NEW
Competitive advantage: Those specific properties of individual product/market that give the firm its unique position its competitors. Distinctive competence: The specific organizational strengths of a firm which help in achieving its objectives. Synergy: The overall or joint effects that are sought from the firm's various product/market scopes.
Steps involved in Strategy Formulation: External- Internal Analysis Generate Strategy Alternatives (Mkt-Pdt/ Current –New Matrix) Evaluating the Strategy Alternatives Choice of strategy
POLICIES A ‘Policy’ is a predetermined course of action, which is established to provide a proper guide toward achieve organizational objectives . It should be formulated on facts & past experiences. It should be flexible enough. It should be framed to act as an aid & not as an obstacle
IMPORTANCE OF POLICIES Smooth functioning Ensures consistency Operational Success Minimize Costs Build a Learning Culture Motivation
Differences Mission/Objectives/Strategy Policies/ Prog/ Procedures Mainly concern of top management Concerned primarily with mioddle & operating management level Long term and have far reaching consequences affecting the very survival & growth of the firm Short term, easier to change without much adverse effect on organization’s existence Formulation is concerned with environment and its concern is with improvement of effectiveness of the firm Affect the internal structure & operational activities and is concerned with improvement in efficiency of the firm
PROGRAMMES Meant to organize & schedule repetitive activities which constitute a complete set/ work assignment in the most efficient manner e.g. Having an annual appraisal
PROCEDURES Refers to specific method & sequence by which an activity is performed.e.g. Fire fighting programme Procedures should: Be based on past experience& facts Be as precise as possible Be understood by people who have to use them Have accord of people who have to use them